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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. Try going into task manager -> details -> arma 3 (the running exe) -> right click that mofo -> set affinity -> uncheck one of your cpus (bottom one) if your cpu gets overloaded it can throttle your game and miss frames because the cpu cant handle basic windows processes -- this might work for you! gl
  2. Officer Slumberjack is taking a **completely planned** sabbatical from the APD -- o7 for now my friends in blue






    ** (lol)

  3. Is my kd better tho
  4. Fellas it dropped



  5. I have 3 ps4 codes for the blackout beta that I don't need lol 

    hmu if you want


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      Yo, hit me up. That shit looks dope

    3. Lion


      3 hours ago, Slumberjack said:

      2 left!

      Give me 1 ?

    4. Ronin


      are they free? I'll take one

  6. Join R&R and make your stacks! You can submit an app here and apply today!
  7. Just got setup further inland after being evacuated from my house near VA beach... setup is a little dicey at the moment that can be said :angry: hopefully all my networking isn't destroyed when I get home :unsure:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arigato


      3 hours ago, max^ said:

      Yeah had a pretty shitty storm over here near Richmond Ripped the Power for alittle 

      Best Of Wishes for you tho

      I go to VCU, glad they canceled :D

    3. Slumberjack


      Thanks guys, stay safe! Yeah classes at college have been cancelled indefinitely which is a plus, I guess... I just spent about about $100 worth of emergency lighting... so at least I will be able to see my delicious canned food when the shit hits the fan :D :FeelsBad:

    4. maxg


      @Arigato Ha, i go pass there everytime i go to the river

  8. It will be around for a long time due to the fact it is appealing to younger audiences as well as older, and has zero barrier to entry. Anyone can get fortnight on just about any machine without paying a premium up front-- which is not something that we have seen before on free to play apps like Clash of Clans. It is also an extremely fast paced BR game compared to BR on Arma 3, PUBG, or even H1Z1. Finally, it doesn't all depend on gun skill, which attracts people from other genres who would not be attracted to games like PUBG or a more traditional approach to BR. It is a combination of fast paced action, fun graphics, and building shit. -- That is the formula for mainstream success!
  9. If any of y'all haven't listened to Kamikaze... missing out...


  10. Day 5 with no wifi in my pc room -- I'm about to move my whole setup into my kitchen where the router is to get connected via ethernet lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JAMIE


      1st your kitchen is the worst place for a router because there are a lot of things that can weaken/block the signal

      2nd Dont use WIfi 

    3. CommanderSuki


      1 hour ago, Matt The Savage said:

      or go to home depot and buy a 100ft ethernet cord and run that bitch through your whole house

      What Matt said move you're ass and run a lan cable its better than that wifi shit what are you a noob or a gamer? 

    4. Slumberjack


      Working now... I moved in a few months after my housemates and they set it up in the dining room across the house.. sadbois ;(

  11. Ordered a 75 ft Ethernet cable so I can get rid of my 999 ping at my new place D:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      I just have a internet extender then Ethernet from it still improved it for me quite a bit 

    3. Slumberjack


      yeah last time it cost about $100 a port to run wires and all that... 


    4. MAV


      Looking Powerline ethernet if you have issues with your run... as long as you have stable power it works pretty great. I used this like in 2010ish and it worked great (only issue was when someone on my breaker used something with a significant power draw such as hairdryer or microwave, but it was minor). I got the same speeds as being plugged into router.

      I'd imagine the technology has only improved in the last ~8 years.

  12. Slumberjack


    Hi friend. How goes it?
  13. Make sure the image is a large enough size to scale correctly. If it is too small it will be stretched and distorted...
  14. o7
  15. Anyone wanna play some for honor? Add me on uplay: KindaGuapo

  16. 49
  17. Community Polling Event
  18. If you break a rule you have to prepare to face the consequences, even if they seem unfair... Same goes to IRL laws etc. Getting abusive on the forums isn't the way to go about these things...
  19. Welcome, friend!
  20. Join R&R!
  21. True that... it's a cool faction to play but there are far too many of them and too many with top tier vigi... as someone who used to be a tier 3 vigi and then quit, I can definitely appreciate the need for a lil (massive) nerf-- maybe even for it to be a whitelisted faction of some sort... thoughts?
  22. True that... having medvac is a bit like having a rank of “Coast Guard” or something like that. New System is a bit more intuitive
  23. How many you have?
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