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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Hey i have 500 hours in the game im good at pvp i can fly and i know all call outs and have 8 mill looking for a new gang hit me up if any one is recrintg thanks! LOVE RunIt
  2. hey man when u geting on stafff


    1. Goodman
    2. [SF]Runit


      im in the ban waiting room


    3. Goodman


      If you are looking to submit a ban appeal you can do so by submitting a new request here. If not, join the support room in TS to get help and they will guide you in the right direction. I am unfortunately not able to get on the TS at the time but if you want we can resolve your issue via text chat here

  3. hi u on


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. asdasd123


      Spamming will not make it faster probably the opposite. Stop spamming the admins honestly just wait your turn and make a appeal. God damn its not hard

    3. Linka


      hades should be back soon, he's on vacation or something 

    4. Goodman


      Your best bet is sending a personal message to a Support Team member. It's our job to not get annoyed :)

  4. yo can we talk like i want to be unbaned and all u say is no can we talk help me actuly not be a dick man

  5. unban me


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Moose


      I think his mom did before and during pregnancy... its called jack daniels

    3. Nuski
    4. Zoro


      9 minutes ago, Nuski said:



    • IGN/Player ID Runit 76561198206867720
    • Short reason on why you wish to join us my old gang Sf was dibanted and i injoy running around usaly on and i want to be part sometihng with members and have fun time
    • What do you feel you could contribute money guns i could be funny and injoy working with otheres
    • Do you know any of us?  not really but hang out with some of you in kavela like rice and ham
    • Any previous gangs (For my personal interest only) SF
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuski


      You spelled Moob wrong, Its Mewb. @Phizx

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      I really injoyed this gang app

    4. Fat Clemenza
  6. no way i can remove my black list

    1. Augustus


      Blacklists are permanent, you'd be extremely lucky to get it removed

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I'll give you the answer seeing it's my blacklist, not happening.

    3. -dante-


      Blacklists are meant to be permanent. Only way I would see a blacklist being removed would be months down the line for something borderline innocent or if you had proof you were unrighfully blacklisted. Which is usually never the case. 

  7. hey so i apelled to be a apd do i get like a interveiw how does it work

    1. BlackJack


      You must enter the teamspeak: Olympus.ts.nfoservers.com and join the "APD APPLICANTS CHANNEL" and wait until a sr.APD member joins to assist you . I don't recommend messaging any staff or sr.APD members to give u ur interview because they will delay you interview :) major key BE PATIENT :)  

    2. Goodman


      2 hours ago, BlackJack said:

      You must enter the teamspeak: Olympus.ts.nfoservers.com and join the "APD APPLICANTS CHANNEL" and wait until a sr.APD member joins to assist you . I don't recommend messaging any staff or sr.APD members to give u ur interview because they will delay you interview :) major key BE PATIENT :)  

      Note: You must be accepted for interview before this step. Check your application in the support section on the forums to see if they accepted it.

    3. BlackJack


      @Goodman lol oh yeah forgot one of the most important part lol

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