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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      who the fuck has 30k and doesnt have it in the bank like what kind of retard are you unless youre literally moving bricks of cocaine

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      @Linka nigga has a dusty shitty desk and keyboard missing the arrow keys and flexing 30k

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      @Tb:) maybe spend that money on liposuction you fat retard, here comes another forums ban o well

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      @Tb:) impressive since you play more than you sleep, well time to go back to my job while you stuff your face with cheese cake and McDonald’s 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  5. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      @Tb:) it’s hard to argue with someone who is right but at least you got me an 8 day off the forums last time oh wait that was just a biased arigato ban since he doesn’t like me #NiceServer

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. some advice: dont even grind out cpl i can tell you its not worth practically killing yourself and losing out on opportunities in life for a rank in a game that wont mean shit in 2 years 

    1. bigSMOKE


      Can confirm this man was demoted every week and the biggest meme in the apd

      Basically don’t be a loser at life like @Tb:)

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. 272de3ad5d5d4c4f08d360eaed1aad40.png

    all i want to do is save lives ffs

  8. Ideas: Mystery Machine Van, TRON themed SUV for them underglows, Punisher themed Hatchback, Red gang clothes, blue gang clothes (blue vs red), green gang clothing for all my Grove Street hustlers, and the “Destroyer” Ghosthawk which is like the most bad ass looking Ghawk that could be obtained at Blackwaters.

  9. DeadPool sees no difference!


  10. Why do you not need keys to chop a vehicle gayest shit

  11. Inside look of @Tb:)'s car 


  12. I leave with u being admin and I come back for a second and ur a senior developer; wtf did I miss

  13. Wheres my congrats? 


  14. finally found the video of 2 del rey kids crying how i DDOS them, this server and players who play lol
    Also to mention they're lying how they doxed me, my instagram is literally on my steam profile open to everyone and they never got my IP xd


  15. RIP Asylum


    Also: Anyone who was blacklisted for being permd from Olympus but was previously a good cop, submit those appeals :)

  16. finally found the video of 2 del rey kids crying how i DDOS them, this server and players who play lol
    Also to mention they're lying how they doxed me, my instagram is literally on my steam profile open to everyone and they never got my IP xd


  17. Note to self when you hit the black borders around the map you go lethals :Kappa:


    Not trying to be racist its actually true xD

  18. Can people stop taking this shit to the personal level and stop talking shit because of the house arrest case? I'd really appreciate all of those fat rejects and bullied kids to stop, thanks.

  19. Can people stop taking this shit to the personal level and stop talking shit because of the house arrest case? I'd really appreciate all of those fat rejects and bullied kids to stop, thanks.

    1. bigSMOKE


      You said stop talking on a personal level then proceed to call them fat and threaten to come to their house :hmm:

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

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