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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. o7 my friend i'll be snapping my dick to you shortly
  2. Action is coming. Action is coming. Action is coming

  3. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    getting into the apd again was a meme
  4. Guess who gets shipped out in 13 days :) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. L1on


      Good luck, and stay safe man!

    3. Tb:)
    4. last


      @Tb:) I mean unblock me then lol

  5. loan me 250k i give u 1 mil in a week
  6. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    cause you're hot
  7. Tb:)

    WTB Ghost Hawk

    Nonononononono sit retard
  8. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    5:4 tft 1920x1080
  9. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    Gave it out to Kav scats
  10. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    message me on snap some day ill hook you up
  11. Tb:)

    my goodbye

    I might
  12. I really don't know how to make a goodbye so this is how its gonna go, in my life ive sat on my ass for around 3 years playing Arma and csgo and gaming in general gets kinda stale when there is no good titles coming out. To all those i've made laugh and i've made cry I want to say goodbye @OLL13 I know you're in the army right now and you might never see this, but thank you for letting me in Carnage and in Instinct. Those were the best fights on my Arma Carrer @Colt Thanks for the 300 plat from gang shed @APD too many of you to @ but thank you for all the fun times we have encountered @buckie you will always be that little rat https://gyazo.com/ee37f44867164d2b00196cca516f9baa @Last I owe you 100$ once this shit gets refunded ill paypal it to you. @FlapJack https://gyazo.com/8b0e654bc64a9942d073bc343831c9cb I'll always be lingering around the forums like a nasty fart. To all the people I didnt @ Im sorry but there is way to many of you lol I only tried to incorporate doubles + but if i thought some were nuts i put it in Sorry if it was bad but im a trash player
  13. Tb:)

    Wts hunter

    Looking for 600-700k right now pm me
  14. 735ce469bbf89b030014190752151b11.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zoomzooooooom


      who did it tb tell me

    3. obeymatt


      PayPal support here , please submit a compensation request and we will review your case 

    4. Tb:)


      Just now, obeymatt said:

      PayPal support here , please submit a compensation request and we will review your case 


  15. 78ccd09d7e711f216bfdb8b393674cc6.png

    1. DashTonic


      Can't click the stats page to fast it go away in a hour

    2. Google
  16. @Ryan grats on that PO dude!! 

  17. @L3SL13 I didnt think youd ever get it :) Grats man

  18. 76cc4193ffffeba2338dcfc2d88bdef4.png i thought i had dyslexia

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeadPool


      I actually have dyslexia and almost able to read that lel

    3. buckie


      @DeadPool sped no wonder you took urself to prom :lol: Love you 

    4. Snare


      Tfw you leave for a couple months peep the chain of command and only find one person you were friends with left in the sapd and reafirm your belief that your never joining the apd again.

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