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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. Who the fuck made these new sounds for the apd

  2. The smelly hippie @hawkgot mod, congrats. 














    1. hawk


      IM NOT A HIPPIE, thanks tho lmao

    2. Tb:)


      1 minute ago, hawk said:

      IM NOT A HIPPIE, thanks tho lmao

      yes you are. <3

    3. Millennium


      well now he can ban u on stream ^_^

  3. Non-Knee Pad Stream


  4. Ur name is lovely

  5. come watch me get some fucking pizza


  6. I need a break from cop. Today, probably the most un-fun day i've had in a while. See yall in 3 weeks

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Daddy Fenwick

      Daddy Fenwick

      1 hour ago, RDyer216 said:

      Grinding too hard for Corporal.  Burnt you out man.

      A man can only suck so much cock...


    3. gaz


      Happens to the best of us, put in 55 hours one week and the next missed my hours, shit happens

    4. Tb:)
  7. song donations on for $1


  8. ............ Alright bud, get ready for some taco bell mid sauce packets
  9. they have tb this year so.
  10. lets get it cops on exemptions
  11. @hawk you fucking hippie. Happy birthdaY.  1 week 3 days

    1. hawk


      <3 Thanks pro shotgunner :lol:

  12. donation tts is on donation songs are on and i dont skip


  13. It was a fun ride, got sgt and stepped down for perm corp!

    o7 everyone that made cop fun. :o7:

    Jk baby we back 


    1. Sho


      You were perm corp before ;)

    2. Tb:)


      @Sho better be ready when i come for that Lt spot baby

  14. Wheres my congrats? 


    1. Strae
    2. bigSMOKE


      Just when I thought the dick sucking would stop once you got corp

  15. Someone teach me how to play 


  16. @Soulz I told you bud. Never give up. Congrats my friend.  The role players rise!

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