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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Uh what? It's should also shoot low in first when zero'd at 200m and shooting at 20m. When crosshair is set to static obviously.
  2. Prolly something to do with the zeroing of the weapon in the top right..... Almost like the crosshair is zero'd for 200m. 20m =/= 200m
  3. Amen. Here to disappoint.
  4. Ditto...
  5. Peter didn't want to have it transferred. Gave the kill order.
  6. And I'll grab the logs.
  7. Walnuts and Almonds are disgusting. Cashews are the only thing I can tolerate.
  8. Too much ddos.
  9. Which isn't a cool or funny thing to do tbh. At then end of the day you're not only affecting him you're wasting dollars of the pizza place and whoever delivers it probably isn't going to get paid for that 20-30 minute run... Pretty fucking gay thing to do imo.
  10. Has been updated to reflect.
  11. No. I don't have time to help with the stuff.
  12. I mean honestly, it wasn't going to happen this soon... It came up in conversation last night. We were going to give another go at it, however, due to changes in my personal life, I simply do not have the time to make all the last changes we were going to make. So I told Dili the other night we should discontinue it.
  13. Jesse


    I mean you were unperm'd literally a minute after this happened...
  14. Sure.
  15. Moved to Altis.
  16. Does it make his app all of a sudden become submitted? If not, then not in the slightest does it change anything. I'm sure I could get 12 people saying they want me too.
  17. As we told him. No. We have no actual proof he even attempted a submission. If we allow this then down the road we have to allow others based just on word, etc. Had others had a similar issue sure we would have extended the period, etc. However was only him. We want to maintain fairness and enforce the deadlines. Plus voting is already going.
  18. Jesse

    -30 IQ

    Hop in TS and I will personally compensate you more than TheCmdrRat will. @Tim Jacob Thank you, Olympus Shadow Owner
  19. Jesse

    Bye Bye

    I am so upset.. Glad you recognize that. You're done with Olympus as you just told me, just helping you out is all.
  20. Forum name is Theak. I'm sure you'll survive on TS as Theak.
  21. Only updates once a week.
  22. Sometime soon. My days change like the weather. It'll happen when it happens.
  23. The fuck are you on about? That was a purchase that would have been made by McDili & I. They servers would've maintained the name Asylum. However, been owned by Olympus essentially... I wasn't going to be leaving Olympus to run Asylum?
  24. I mean that's how some of us see it yes. How long he'll be staying there.. who knows. However, at this time "A nigga gotta eat". Guess I should have turned my back on you people when I had the chance... Guess my loyalty was too strong...
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