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Everything posted by Temple

  1. Fear not Citizens, For Tommy Wiseau has returned

  2. who tf took my muthafukin beans

  3. VDMTAGE ##2 coming soon

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      im looking forward too it

  4. cringe fag
  5. Meme of the Week,,

    Squad URL = Engagement

  6. when the guy that ddossed hella people and ban evaded x4 unbanned but my guy who rdmed still permed:FeelsBad:

    1. monster


      RDM is a very serious ban ya know

    2. callumlol


      who got  unbanned

    3. J O E

      J O E


  7. no one acknowledge me saying ill do it :/
  8. shit ill do it if someone else pays for it
  9. if the earth aint flat explain dis


  10. this man is a meme thief
  11. damn son just stole my clip ill have you know stealing memes is a crime
  12. Dinner at @Peter Longs house


    1. Hoonter


      More like the after work snack

  13. bans without proper evidence ✔ Doesn't know how to spell ✔ Senile ✔ Should die of old age soon anyway might aswell let him be mod for his last few days
  14. that was your boy
  15. i once got banned by kbdog for a video that was missing a whole minute of engagement
  16. i edited after he said that because i forgot to add it
  17. make offers selling anything in the pics server 1
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