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Everything posted by Xeltini

  1. Congrats @hawk hopefully you dont alt f4 out of the position like you do csgo

    1. hawk


      :( I didn't alt f4 last CSGO game, but thanks a lot former corporal xeltini!

  2. Congrats @Pledge. I guess now I have to follow what you say to get corp. 

  3. At least you leave with a positive score against @last o7
  4. Hey, I saw you were last active on snapchat maps 3 minutes ago. If you could please ignore the big booty bitches and check my ban appeal that would be great. Or im gonna have to show up to your last known location to do your job for you.

    1. Tb:)


      i got blacklisted from the apd for that last sentence

  5. Everyone get in here 25 mil giveaway coming up and gold content. 



  7. o7 GOW @last never thought you would be the one to go down cheating


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xlax
    3. Xlax


      this man played it off for the longest fucking time

    4. ItsGG


      fucking Chris Kyle over here

  8. Cartel fighting has nothing to do with updates and change. Its all on the player base to create fights and cartel life.
  9. Dont listen to this guy hes not qualified enough for the job, I would go to @Viper. Sorry @destruct your not tricking anyone with this post
  10. Ask @Viper he has a lot of experience with loop-holing the system and commandersuki
  11. Yes I agree with this. We cannot risk our current GOD OF WAR the fearless @last being overrun by an afker. We must do our duties to secure his position as GOW and meat shield for him whenever possible.
  12. Congrats @Ryan all you had to do is perm one of the boys. Atleast my loadouts can be sponsored by Olympus now

  13. I smell a best of olympus tage dropping soon @Viper :Last:

  14. Happy birthday @falcon when we going snowboarding

  15. It wouldn't mean less people involved in total but it would just mean that they would be spread out amongst teams. I suggested a poll because of this. Dunno how this would work out but it would be more gangs to fight in total and would make it more interesting. A way to counter the loophole would be to make it cost to make a group and charge people to join a gang. I'm iffy on the idea still dont know where I personally stand. Like I said it would take a community effort to make this happen right if it did.
  16. I feel like there could be loopholes but definetly a possibility. Also when capping gangs we would have to balance it with capping the apd aswell. Would have to be a community effort as a whole I think. Someone should make a poll on this.
  17. Suggest a cap size for groups/gangs?
  18. I dont think any gang that fights cap really cares if they own it or not they just care about having fun. Plus this would just encourage defensive star etc positions if they did care about cap.
  19. Idea would just be worked around by making groups
  20. I think the key is good players need to split up so that we dont scare away the new players. Good players need to support and encourage people who are wanting to get into the scene instead of being toxic. Gangs needing to split up has been an issue in the past. There's always been one mega gang with all the good players therefore no good fights. I havent been on in the past week dont know what it's looking like now. APD shouldn't be able to raid warzone as much. The way I look at it is that cops irl dont go push real cartels in Mexico over and over with no concern for their lives. Also I have seen cops ignore terror/pharmas and keep raiding warzone. If that was real life and someone was robbing a hospital/etc the cops would focus on the robbery or terror in a city over two gangs fighting in the middle of nowhere. Also some cops say that they only raid when texted so we shouldn't complain that they are raiding when we ask for it. This only happens when there are no gangs to fight or some random roach retard texts to ruin the fights. For feds sdars are retarded. One fed we had 14 people apd had 18+ and they pulled sdars. Make people earn corporal for the lethal privilege, lethals are given at that rank for a reason. Honestly I'm fine with cops making a shit ton of money even increase that shit. All it does is bring the lamp to bulb ratio down for us that work. Edit: @Dante for apd section
  21. His goggles are worth more than your rent. Never fails to dissapoint. 


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