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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Whoever told you @Panda :) lied about his app needs a fat ass spanking I think during his time as a moderator ive seen panda argue against everyone more then some of the addicts on this game put in hours into the server. As admin its even worse. Hes far from dick sucking IMO. As for the other thing, aint any of my business so I aint gonna comment Side note, this shit talking post is weak. Expected better from you guys smh.
  2. @Viper An OG. The original out of our trio that made me get arma to play KOTH with them, then made me roleplay on Olympus robbing tree at drug dealer, to bringing me here today. Happy birthday brother ❤️ 

    1. Viper


      Glad I was introduced to your ass way back when nitrojohnny statrted it all and im glad we never ended it! YOUVE MADE MY GAMING CAREER AND ITS BEEN SHIT THE ENTIRE TIME BUT I HAD FUN BECAUSE OF YOU, Thanks for being my outlet to rant off when I was frustrated and sticking around b ❤️ 

  3. Happy Birthday to the man, the myth, the legend @Xeltini. One of the few to stick by me throughout the years ❤️

  4. Happy Birthday QT

  5. Ryan

    money back

    Exactly, so moneys gone
  6. Ryan

    money back

    The deed is already done unfortunately. However if his appeal gets passed then he will get it back.
  7. Ryan

    money back

    If he used some sort of scripts or exploit to get it then we would of given it back. Unfortunately since he won bets off you gambling addicts fairly his money goes where all misconduct perms hold em. ^_^
  8. Event is experimental, naturally if things are abused, we change things up so that next time it doesn’t happen again.
  9. boys gary is too strong, his old figure makes him want to be the sole flag poster. #FreeTheFlagsd2100c6e889c7464d7940d6893be29b5.png

  10. boys gary is too strong, his old figure makes him want to be the sole flag poster. #FreeTheFlagsd2100c6e889c7464d7940d6893be29b5.png

  11. Yeah @Zurph spent some time on it before bringing it to the table. Can thank him for all the details, and the idea itself
  12. Reason why we aren’t lowering it is because the profile songs makes it hard and unique to get. If you let everyone just buy it for cheap then it defeats the whole concept of value through the ranks. As much as I’d like to lower it and have more people just straight up buy it, I’d feel it would be unfair to those that already spent the money just for the song.
  13. There's too many to reply to so ima just say it here. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, really is appreciated 🙂 


    Also, despite our difference, have a great birthday @TheCmdrRex 🙂 

  14. Tldr I got flamed in those things
  15. The notes I couldnt see at the time werent so nice let me tell ya admincp really be showing peoples true feelings lmfao
  17. I dont know the full context between what happened with Nerdy and that report, so ill let him speak on it if need be. However I gave you my thoughts on it, based on both me issuing those bans and experiencing those bans prior to me being staff.
  18. Was he not banned for this? This situation is even more clearer then the other one. Person with no tags engages, the guys with tags runs away to not be considered part of the situation. You get shot anyway, when clearly nobody with tags shot at him. That guy very clearly RDM'ed you lol. The only issue might be based off what the shooter saw on his perspective. Aka why we ask people record for counter evidence. Based off your video alone id ban, however after I watch the counter id make a final decision from there.
  19. Honestly, I dont know if this post was made for some pitty points, or something else. However I just watched a full 27, almost 30 minute video just to be dissapointed I wasted my time on it. Now I know why I dont prioritize the forums as much as I used to anymore. Here's a few things I noticed while watching it in the first 10 minutes. - You guys complained about them not having tags, when you and the people within your group are also not running with tags - Nobody engaged for you or your name, you didnt even engage yourself - Once you did RDM them, I heard multiple people nicely ask you to go into support to discuss what could potentially be a confusing situation I can agree the situation was a bit scuffed and confusing, but thats why communicating with the other party, staff or not, is better then just doing. Now there was no toxicity for pretty much any of it. @Kamikaze Actually handled this situation REALLY well in my honest opinion. He didnt explode on you, yell at you or even ban you on the spot. He waited until the situation was over, let you guys do your thing and asked you to get into teamspeak so that he can sort it out with you. It wasnt until you actually got banned that you decided to work with him, and who knows? Maybe if you did come into teamspeak before he would of never banned you and even let you keep the suppressor. Even so, he ended up lifting your ban, giving you a better tazer then you had and comped you money out of his own funds for the troubles. As for your ban, it was very justified and honestly he didnt even have to lift it. Ive had a similar situation like this before I was staff, back at diamond pro. A full car pulled up on us and engaged us, and not all of them had tags. @Dante Ended up banning me and I had literally all the staff at the time look at it, submitted 3 ban appeals and got a minor reduction. Looking back at the notes on it now from the staff perspective... him Ignis and everyone else werent so nice to my thought process Can post my counter evidence that I still have on my youtube from years ago for some reason if needed. I also disagree with your comment near the end of the video, that staff shouldnt be playing on the server. Why would they moderate a server they cant play on? Makes no sense. You he has around 40 mil in his account and 800+ hours he isnt a new player and definitely aint a broke one. I see through your troll If there is a genuine concern or issue you see with what a staff member does in a situation, then you can contact the direct higher ranking staff member to resolve it. Thanks
  20. Actually to my knowledge it was implemented an update or 2 ago... was there something we missed?
  21. The store has a set quantity, unless it’s a duplicate order once we get up to the “limit” it will not allow you to purchase it. Will just say sold out. Tldr first come first serve with this. If demand is high we will likely add more in the future. Those that decide they no longer want to pay the recurring fee would have to message me to get a cancellation going and they lose the uniform the next update, which would open up a slot for someone else. Updates regarding it would be posted regularly for people to be aware.
  22. As of right now, no. Is it a possibility in the near future? Yes.
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