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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Yeah Vis hasn’t logged in and neither did Tyrone. Realistically the people not listed won’t be voted for anyway due to their mia status outside of their actual work.
  2. I put the people that actually login to the server more as opposed to the others not listed to be KOS as an option being that the poll didn’t allow me to have more then 20 choices.
  3. Video Games used to be the first thing I jumped to as soon as I had the free time in middle school/part of high school. I used to be a major fat ass at home all day. Half way through High school I saw the people around me never being home and constantly going out, it made me look back on myself and start going outside. Eventually led to me hitting the gym and constantly having plans. Now everytime I try to play something after an hour or two I start to get bored and want to go outside instead of playing a video game or I just pack my schedule with school and work to keep me busy. Shits crazy, but it’s def better to prioritize social life.
  4. As per the dono goal we doing the vote, pick only 3.
  5. We have a very few handful of people that have gone beyond the line of being even considered an unban. If you are actually curious regarding what happened, HMU in pm's otherwise not gonna do this here.
  6. Nah some other bs that we decided to not plaster publicly due to respect of the staff member he used to be. If anyone else has it and feels like sharing they can do exactly that
  7. Yeah im guessing nobody showed you the evidence then Also fun fact he didnt donate thousands. @SPBojo Gave him his donations, and then took them back after he was banned.
  8. Yikes, maybe if you knew what he was attempting to do to this playerbase behind the scenes you’d actually stop asking
  9. In case you missed it 


  10. Been a while since I made one of these, figured it’s time for an update. TLDR if you want to skip the paragraph I was afk for a little and shit stopped. Updates and Gang Wars is after paragraph. So to jump straight into this, Olympus has been on a small hold for the last few weeks. After the September/October incidents where I had @Mako as a drill sergeant calling me and making sure I don’t sleep for days to get our servers up and running I decided once things were back to normal to take a small break. Once I came back from my break I was swarmed with shit from both work and school and had no time to dedicate fully to Olympus, so for a few weeks I’ve been a bit afk, hence why you don’t see me on the forums as much. Naturally this made everyone else slow down their pace as well and made it seem like we were in a stand still. Now that my exams are coming to an end I can dedicate time to Olympus once again. Regular activity should be resumed and a lot of stuff will start being pushed. Now for the fun part... Gang Wars: The infamous gang wars we promised to redo again after the last shit show. Yes it’s happening, no we don’t have a date. If you are in the Gang Leaders discord you see that we are making changes to the mission file and making sure we will get the best experience out of a gang wars. We have been working on the mission file for quite some time now, and are coming to finalizations. An estimated time frame for when this will happen would be around Winter break. Events: As we all know S3 was shut down and turned onto an event server. Now that we have finally went through the shut down we can start announcing some events. Majority will involved cartel based events, however that doesn’t mean we won’t be hosting anything else. @everyone Who plan on attending these events I suggest you spIke up your activity, as certain events will have certain requirements, and other events will use your actual live server funds. When announced you will understand Development: Development has been pushed to be back in full effect again. @Zahzi is always on my ass so when we have an afk web dev you can cry to him cause he is “a senior dev” As for everything else, overall you should start seeing us get back to normal. Player pop is at its lowest in a while, I intend to start making changes to fix that. Any suggestions, comments or concerns hmu in PM’s or make a comment on here. Thanks for the support lads
  11. Good lord that statement gives me Vietnam flashbacks and some PTSD o7 Lad
  12. @Page I would reply to that @ but I don’t feel like getting 300 notifications with it. Can’t remove you from status updates but maybe if we riot enough @Zahzi can make it so we can disable notifications from one 

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Strae
    3. Millennium


      @Ryan WOW PULLING THE DARKER SKIN CARD ON @billdroid HUH? Better be careful he is near you and a terrorist sooooo

    4. billdroid


      @Millennium I’ll get him when he least expects it. On the way home after class or in the shower or some shit.

  13. If you are in the Gang Leaders discord make sure to keep your eyes on it for the next few days. Gonna start doing what it was intended to do 👀

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kedar


      10 years later love u 

    3. Page


      ryan u ever gonna add me monkey

  14. Ryan

    I’m glad we can provide you with some free therapy. After our final session I can in fact conclude that you are awful at the game. Please stop visiting the Olympus Entertainment offices after hours now. 

    - Olympus Medical Team

  15. Look on the bright side... they wasted more money shooting you with their RPG then you lost in the actual box truck. Who really lost there?
  16. That post turned toxic real quick. Rather save my notifications 

  17. I was your only -1 @Kamikaze 

  18. Bullshit decision

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. proud


      can both if u stfu with getting unpermed

      jerrod ur a white shrek braindead autist and cozza ur a 21 stone wheelchair enthusiast

    3. Ryan


      Both of you do realize the more you ask and spam me on discord/pm's the less we would want to even consider an unban... right? 

    4. Jerrod


      sorry I’m stopping 

  19. My boy josh got the dub in the ring and outside the ring gg

  20. Some spectator perspectives for the event are being streamed here:



  21. Cartel Event starts in about 25 minutes. We are limiting the gangs to 12 players each and tags are required. No tags = kick, so be prepared. Cartel server will be restarted as well prior to event starting.

  22. S3 is open right now if you guys want to fuck around and do your own fights. Event will start at the same planned time 🙂 

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