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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Happy Holidays! To those that I have already sent gifts enjoy! To those that didnt receive anything im gonna be doing this till the 2nd so you still got a chance ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SPBojo


      Don't worry guys, if he doesn't give you a thing just call it racism as he's a Jew! #OlympusEquality2018

    3. CocoisDead
    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      If he doesn’t send you anything, just send him books. @Ryans favorite ;):D

  2. Post has been updated to reflect rule change I prefer you dont passenger seat but eh have fun This^^^
  3. Just spoke with Peter, only scripting bans will transfer over to Olympus.
  4. mmhm, guess you just dont break rules then
  5. So as most of you know I had my own Cartel A&D running for a while. For those that occasionally play on it you will notice a name change, as it now says Olympus Training Server | Cartels | Vehicle Spawns | A&D. The server is now an official Olympus training server, and will be monitored by all staff in addition to the 3 we already monitor. Keep in mind this is an Olympus server, so anything such as scripting will be transferred over to our regular servers. Server IP: Port: 2302 or you can search it by name.
  6. Congrats @Childish and @rapidaax Welcome to the squad boys!

  7. Ryan

    IM FREE!

    We didnt unban because of the egg, we unbanned cause of his brother in the beginning. #ShouldOfHadYourBrotherAppealTheFirstTime


    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    2. Millennium


      You might need to gift this women some extra braincells

  9. Unfortunately thank god I can remove them
  10. *buys a game to get a free game*
  11. If you commented on my giveaway post, reference my last comment. Thx.


  12. Im retarded and forgot that you need to add me on steam for me to send a game. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068537683 Also if your wishlist is private o7
  13. It was enough to perm him off the forums :x
  14. I took care of it boys o7 @DeadPooL
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