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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. robo copping is encouraged now
  2. just give the guy a ghosthawk will full insurance




  3. I have everything msg me offers
  4. o7 didn't really know you well but you were one of the chillest seniors I played with hands down
  5. imagine never having to pay for loadouts if you die
  6. @hawk congrats

    1. hawk


      thanks, you better not tase me :D  

    2. kev


      no promises :D

  7. @thordick happy birthday cutie :)

    omg ur 16 now :wub:

  8. @last h a p p y b i r t h d a y 

  9. Mxm and mk-1 msg me offers
  10. hi, lets talk in teamspeak
  11. He's asking for the 150rd maGs Ill sell you hella mags but you gotta buy a gun too hmu if you're interested
  12. Viging is a great source of money here are some tips: Grind for 25 arrests and then once you have 90% on bounties go hunting Avoid playing with others so you don't have to pay them Don't do it in Kavala (too much competition) Warzone has good bounties but hard competition If you wanna be bitch you can camp a rebel so high valued targets that are naked will be trying to gear and you taze them and arrest them
  13. @ThatNerdyGuy and @Homicide

    nerdy got the brains and homicide got the uhh stream thing

  14. Best DP for moonshine. I have atleast one if each msg me or post below house and offers
  15. kev


    yeah, add a casino with poker tables
  16. Much needed lets goo
  17. user left your channel

  18. gotta empty the houses 2x MAR-10 taser w/ mags 1x .338 suppressor (mar-10 suppressor) 3x MK-1 taser 3x Spar-16s w/ mags 1x DMS 1x 7.62 Suppressor 2x MXSW with 2mags each 3x black T5 vest 3x black nato pilot helm 3x black combat fatigues 2x Armed prowler 2x Armed huron Also selling flashbangs and teargas if you are interested with lots of stock If you need pictures of anything I'll post or msg it to you Post offers below or message me
  19. look up ryan's cartel training server or something like that @Ryan
  20. @Viper
  21. You should post what server
  22. kev

    Thermal EVG's

    I'll write your name on them
  23. kev

    Thermal EVG's

    1 huron (armed)
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