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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. It would be better to place those in the blackwater
  2. The addition of warpoint vehicles would just cause the blackwater to be done less often which isn’t ideal.
  3. house and player win in poker tho but yeah coin flips and most gambling especially at casinos is created for the house to win
  4. fastest I have gained 12 mil and then lost it o7 to the money, had to pull funds for the last 2mil 

    fuck coinflips im sticking to poker

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      2 hours ago, snipeZ said:

      By the time I'm done with you your gunna be forced to sell all dat cop gear you stole. :bender-dance:

      Don’t make me come clean your account with my A1 gambling skills

    3. Viper


      Best put that gang funds money back, I need to gamble as well. 

    4. Ryan


      D e m o t e d  @Viper

  5. Actually this information is very useful when we trying to achieve balance as it reveals what drugs are done the most, how many feds are done, what the lockpick rate is and much more that I don’t feel like listing
  6. So the stats won’t be updated from previous things we have done only from this point on? @Jesse
  7. SDAR is great btw, load in the 5.56 mags and you’ll kill most people in a CQC fight and get hella warpoints
  8. PM me I might have what you are looking for
  9. aren’t you the guy that scammed someone a while back
  10. easy sgt. gear @Egnazio 


  11. i got 7.62 suppressors hit me up
  12. viging is good solo money
  13. i like it
  14. dude why are capitalizing every letter in every word, that is not how you are supposed to write
  15. ill start it off at 1mil
  16. yeah then it got whitelisted I have 2 7.62 and 1 .338 msg me offers if you want them
  17. about to sell this .338 supressor msg me if you want to buy it

    proof: http://prntscr.com/j01v0r

    last time I checked I am the only civ that owns it so offer big

  18. fuck the apd this shit is aids

    1. DeadPool


      we needed an admin on the civ side to spawn shit for it to be a true server event

    2. Temple


      me with unlimited free gear and respawns VS t- shirt niggas


  19. The APD has no NLR and waves to simulate an actual police force. If you play your cards right the wave rule can be abused but I will agree with you there is no purpose is doing a pharmaceutical as the best run is a 17 kilometer drive with no wave rule and i’m fucking driving a truck for roughly 2mil split while fighting endless cops.
  20. 1-3 mil
  21. fuck this bug MX mags are expensive
  22. kev


    i have a taser one message me offers it has 5 mags
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