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Everything posted by Birb

  1. why tf do you down vote every post i make?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Birb


      oh my god wow alright guys can ya'll please down vote every post I have I love negative rep

    3. Birb


      this is the most attention i've ever got in my whole life, I love it people reconginize my existence 

    4. Projectile Invalid
  2. o7 guys its been a while ride, i was cleaned by @Grandma Gary


    1. destruct
    2. Birb


      @destruct i'm going to fuck-ing speak kindly to your mother about her day 

      Image result for you just got nae naed

    3. destruct


      okay do what you will

  3. 200 mill bet anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strikke


      9 hours ago, Dicky said:

      only came here to flex


    3. Birb


      I didn’t homie I want to bet 200 mill why tf would I be flexin

    4. Birb


      I’ve already done enough of that 

  4. you locked this page @ThatNerdyGuy because no one asked? oh nvm i'm retarded
  5. Birb

    im hungry

    best not be eatin birds
  6. hippity hoppity mandalorian Ghawk during conquest event is scary.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Rexo


      hm civ hawk fight? that kinda sounds fun

    3. Millennium


      except (no offense <3)

      Goat Ghawk > Rexo Ghawk

    4. Kamikaze


      @Millennium I would smoke him in my civ hawk I didn't actually mean deleting it

  7. How y’all doin today

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Birb


      @M0N5T3R i'm in science bro did you bug me?

    3. monster


      You see that emo kid in the back left reaching into his backpack, yeah that's me, billion dollars or I swear to god....

    4. Birb


      guess i'll die

  8. congrats babe

  9. I am confused what you are saying here
  10. @Billeh stfu toxic dickhead Kyle my sugar daddy cuz I cleaning him out
  11. @Mr GOAT it’s okay babe you’re a great admin
  12. Birb for server owner
  13. @kylef toxic thanks for da shekels o7
  14. 25 and I'll take
  15. @AmericanWaffle bro i love you but you be simpin out here +1 to the CAP
  16. WAR Mandalorians DUMBY HEADS japan don't enter the chat till i tactically insert by ejecting from a shikra lol
  17. Birb


    guys, I think i'm a retard
  18. hi buckie can ghandi come back yet?

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Asking for a friend

    2. buckie


      He’s never allowed back

    3. Birb
  19. idk if thats RP but very nice
  20. me and three others dressed as terroists and I was strapped with the sui and we pulled up at PD in an HMG offroad and a normal offroad, we tried to negotiate for a taser but some jackass deputy engaged and I blew the sui lol
  21. 1000 bucks and a kiss
  22. Armed prowler imo 4-6 it’s. Better armed quilin
  23. Birb

    Wtb tasers

    @Stuuurrt do you have a spar-17 taser
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