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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. Brandon PC stands with you and hopes for a swift and painful demise of the silla gang
  2. i come around a corner and a mf screams "tackle" at my ass and restrains me I'm o7ing
  3. I think maybe if the next gang wars has some kind of dip based prize people would be more interested. In addition I think adding dip in any form to Olympus life would greatly improve the server
  4. @ Ryan review the ban appeal now. wont ask again.
  5. 6 gorgs for everything final offer
  6. selling rook taser
  7. suppressor duper
  8. #AMAB
  9. the olympus community is made up exclusively of convicted felons and children, our opinions mean nothing and we should be hunted off the face of the earth
  10. ex admin here. Its a misconception that RVD is against the rules, its not and is in fact encouraged.
  11. @Gunhand you dip bro? heard they're thinking about bringing that to the server soon. and unban me from your stream man I did nothing wrong
  12. fuck you ivy i hate you
  13. too afraid to even mention 8 ball
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122891934/
  15. q ??!?!
  16. Got about 11 ghilles 250k each willing to negotiate on prices
  17. Yes irl cops would continue to come it is a strange game mechanic to have, I think reduced nlr like 5 minutes would be ok, some time to get away but you couldn't stay In the same location . not including bw or fed
  18. Apd
  19. The solution might not be to remove to tazing but to add more choices in apd gear, for instance maybe a vest that is tazer proof but has less or no ballistic protection
  20. 135,001
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