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Everything posted by bdj

  1. how do you know that there isnt gonna be more than 12 people in a gang on cap?
  2. this guy fried?
  3. every mongol po will agree with this obv
  4. was looking through my clips lmao 


    1. BananaHammock


      I did that once, but was on cop, got killed instantly...

  5. how to implement them isnt the problem, its the vehicle itself
  6. bdj

    Xanx's o7

    who? no disrespect
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mike Dahmer

      Mike Dahmer

      Im just talking to you through TS doesnt mean im on vigi like stop telling lies its pissing me off

    3. monster


      would gyazo the poke message of the account but i need that shit for rust ;)

    4. bdj
  7. ik these replies are 'late' but i want in on this post, these are my opinions unless said otherwise and don't INTEND to be toxic so be warned. these replies aren't necessarily directed to person's comment but more so used to start a point. yes and no what cartels are like atm are evolving for the better. From fighting day to night for the past couple weeks I can say, AS A FACT, that cartels are becoming less roachy and less toxic. The gang i include are PLAGUE, mL, Ambition and enemy. mL are making an effort to become less toxic and over all are making cartel fighting more fun by talking less shit and not roaching as much. The worst times i've had is when a bunch of sketchy old prime rats (ik im gonna receive hate but im not talking about ogs, im talking about the lesser known prime players) hopped on, sat roach rocks and began to somehow hit every shot beyond 800m. As for tasing, i havent seen anyone camp warzone with tasers in the past couple weeks. I agree that rats are gonna be rats and try to ruin, in this case, fights as much as possible and part of this is caused my ddosers, etc. People who use PULLDOWNS are not the problem. I agree that people who break the rules should be respectably banned but i dont agree with the same punishment. The perms are in the same ballpark in the sense that the people banned used a third party but for people like @ApacheWarrior shouldn't receive the same treatment that people who ddos are. Most people that got permed for JUST pulldowns try to get unpermed asap and this is because they, in a way, genuinely care about olympus. I could go into the psychology of why people use pulldowns for hours but to make a shit post short, people use pulldowns to essentially 'become or be known as good'. All this to say that those people who use/get permed for pulldowns don't use pulldowns because they want to corrupt/cause harm to the server. However, people who ddos/silent aim/lag switch do this TO corrupt/cause harm to the server and the players they are attacking, they do this knowing very well that they will get permed and don't genuinely care about the server. These are the people who should be permed and stay permed because at the end of the day the don't REALLY care if they get unpermed or not. As for the history with [ - ] and sapd, excluding all the retards that chat smack, was simply a game of sapd getting triggered and [ - ] enjoying themselves as a result. 99% of the time we would be loafing around Zaros and apd would either raid rebel or check cocaine pro, it isn't rocket science to figure out that this would be a perfect opportunity to get free sapd gear. [ - ]'s chat smacking came from sapd being triggered and shit talking as a result from having their gear robbed of them, even tho its dirt cheap and you respawn with it. The whole need of sapd shit talking in situations that was in their favour from the start or better yet when [ - ](civilians) pull away with a victory is completely preposterous and is a direct result of the strong two sided battle between civilian and APD.
  8. cop is another faction which has a completely different set of added rules, civ is essentially free to play you both must be retarded for disliking a post asking for people's opinion
  9. you can't restrict where someone can go just because their a vigi that's retarded
  10. @Viper i got the banger you need where you at?

    1. Viper


      Pm me you whore 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bdj


      id even care, i find it funny that this fat ass took the time out of his day to do that so he feels better about himself

    3. Montez


      it's because they out to get us lispy bois

    4. N7Zero


      the fact u made a status about this clearly shows u care..

      Image result for dj khaled you played yourself gif

  11. howd u kno https://gyazo.com/350d36625c7ebaae0fa2978aca621f3f
  12. bdj

    Zafir For Sale

    selling a Zafir with 4 mags pm me with offers
  13. make that 2 zafirs https://gyazo.com/35f525603661f3280a7d0d1d0f799867
    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. monster


      @Kamikaze they got bored of that and started roaching people who can actually do BW's

    3. Skorch



      you guys are a mass recruited gang

      im laughing

    4. monster


      @Pool Boy mass recruiting gangs cant do federal events tho :thinking-face_1f914: 

  14. you're not the only one now https://gyazo.com/6248bc1a478f2c244fdfb829691a44a8
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toasty
    3. Greenarrow


      35 minutes ago, Toasty said:


      that's a green RCO...

    4. bdj


      first off, that was an rco khaki

      second of all, the point of the gyazo was the zafir not the pilot coveralls


  15. damn, imagine being so angry at a video game that you have to ddos people to feel good about yourself.

    very pathetic, @nxs

  16. shout out to @Canadian for being a bad chess player

  17. @TI

    3 days in a row

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      4 minutes ago, bdj said:

      @3 Rip 3 days* and u were in all of them

      wait but u guys got raped today?

    3. Linka


      this status won’t age well 

    4. bdj


      @3 Rip one time, and how many times did we wipe you? was it 4? i believe so

  18. @TI

    2 days in a row

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parker R
    3. Ninjaman427


      The one fight i was there for, we push and wipe you without losing hardly anyone, then you don't push and bitch about us killing roachers lmfao.

    4. Parker R

      Parker R


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      1 minute ago, bdj said:

      are you acting idiotic or are you serious? it would be impossible for us to even participate in gang wars because there havent been once since the creation of the gang...

      no point in participating in gang wars as long as we sign up for it 

    3. Parker R
    4. bdj


      29 minutes ago, 3 Rip said:

      we are to good

      your right

      10 minutes ago, 3 Rip said:

      we beat ur shit gang everyday since the second u created ur gang and then the one day u beat us because u double our numbers


      9 minutes ago, 3 Rip said:

      no point in participating in gang wars as long as we sign up for it 

      did you forget about today?

      10 minutes ago, Parker Radley said:

      You wouldn't of WON anyways bud.

      can you tell me what im going to eat for breakfast tomorrow too?

      8 minutes ago, Parker Radley said:



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