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Everything posted by Savage

  1. Fuck y'all I got big dick B if u get the meme
  2. ETA on Smite Gang Wars?

  3. @caleb xD congrats on mod!

    1. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      Thank you ill be sure to ban you first xD

  4. AYY @Last MY DAD GOT CORP!!!



  5. Jesse made it a 50% chance because everyone is getting them
  6. Does no one know that for only a couple of war points u can get mar 10 and mags
  7. How much is the ghost hawk gonna be cause u already know ppl r gonna get that
  8. Funny how peter has the same name as his twin brother Peter Griffin @Ignis @McDili
  9. Happy Birthday!!! You got me into this game Spaz! Love you long time! (No homo)

  10. Idk if I'm late or not but @Fushigi I hate u, @HyperGoat I FUCKING TOLD U

  11. Last time u guys put up a support team is recruiting thing people said they didnt wana sit in a room with retards. those r the people i shit talk. idc about being patient anymore cause i dont plan on signing up anytime soon
  12. i did make a paragraph, i only talk shit to ppl that deserve it, i know every rule... :THINKING:
  13. Same. I made paragraph long apps and still get denied this shit rigged
  14. 25 for an ifrit is to little. I like the idea but increase the amount for all. It's a lot easier to get war points than you think
  15. Savage


    I remember u. Welcome back
  16. Savage


    Keep this cunt black listed
  17. People are just dumb asf...

    If your drowning why not just drink the water...

    If your suffocating just fucking breathe...

    If your crippled why not just stand...

    Fucking idiots in life

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. iPopsicle


      That I got from this status update:


    3. JAY1HP


      Don't let this distract you from the fact that if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

    4. big niko

      big niko

      Proud are you that fucking broke to buy a 30m rope from Home Hardware? 

  18. This isn't a great idea. A lot of us already have school we don't have time to sit in a room and hear someone speak for 4 hours about how to do something. Also this would stack a lot of roles, Support Team for example. Support team isn't something everyone deserves and it's worked for but with this idea anyone will have a 100% chance of joining the team. Also how the APD and RnR tests currently work, they shouldn't be messed with because it's been working out. Take an hour of your day to read over the APD or RnR hand book and take a short little quiz on it and if you pass you earn either Deputy or EMT where you learn more while on Duty. Ima -1 this idea
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