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Everything posted by Savage

  1. I knew u would be the next corp! On your way to sergeant I see!

    1. Apathy


      thanks lil man!

  2. I am not about to look at 26 notifications fuck that

  3. Fuck y'all I got big dick B if u get the meme
  4. ETA on Smite Gang Wars?

  5. @caleb xD congrats on mod!

    1. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      Thank you ill be sure to ban you first xD

  6. @Last @Viper @Linka
  7. AYY @Last MY DAD GOT CORP!!!



  8. UrMomHaveGAY
  9. Jesse made it a 50% chance because everyone is getting them
  10. Still...
  11. War point shop at any rebel
  12. Does no one know that for only a couple of war points u can get mar 10 and mags
  13. How much is the ghost hawk gonna be cause u already know ppl r gonna get that
  14. Funny how peter has the same name as his twin brother Peter Griffin @Ignis @McDili
  15. o7
  16. Happy Birthday!!! You got me into this game Spaz! Love you long time! (No homo)

  17. Idk if I'm late or not but @Fushigi I hate u, @HyperGoat I FUCKING TOLD U

  18. Last time u guys put up a support team is recruiting thing people said they didnt wana sit in a room with retards. those r the people i shit talk. idc about being patient anymore cause i dont plan on signing up anytime soon
  19. i did make a paragraph, i only talk shit to ppl that deserve it, i know every rule... :THINKING:
  20. Same. I made paragraph long apps and still get denied this shit rigged
  21. this meme is getting old
  22. 11
  23. 25 for an ifrit is to little. I like the idea but increase the amount for all. It's a lot easier to get war points than you think
  24. Savage


    I remember u. Welcome back
  25. Savage


    Keep this cunt black listed
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