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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. 20$ PayPal so I can delete them
  2. @Genghis Khan do you want me to delete your traffic ticket from my google drive so people cant doxx you again
  3. KrispyK


    deadpool when u making your 07 post with all those destiny streams
  4. @Ajax I gave u 20 mil and yo bitch ass still ain't buy wow

    1. Ajax


      Bruh my bank account has 7 dollars in it lmaoooo

  5. Why would we get an Aussie server we don't even have any
  6. olympus gta server when

  7. i for one believe in our knew overlord gl @Peter Long @Kurt

  8. KrispyK

    Selling Hunter

    You have to be retarded to buy for more than 700. They were barely worth 1 mil
  9. @nerdy thanks for gegetting us some good offroads available
  10. why tf is the server dead

    1. DashTonic


      School, work, college maybe... Idfk

  11. anyone in this thread smoke weed
  12. Add npc hunting zone ai for vigis to arrest so they don't have to circle jerk in kavala

    1. Shades


      Maybe Vigis should venture outside Kav?

    2. KrispyK


      you know they wont, gives them something to do instead of harassing 75k players before they can pay it off

  13. 2 dollars PayPal
  14. someone hit me up with a script idea im bored as fuck

  15. bye buddy!
  16. Staff? Vdming? Hello?
  17. so my tab key and windows key dont work due to shitty line workers but i cant get to the keyboard becuase of bad design. can someone make me an ahk for windows key and tab? i have one for alt tab but.... il pay you 5$ or some arma cash since i cant really play my games without it being a pain in the ass

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SPBojo


      Literally just re-bind the key in your keyboard settings?

    3. KrispyK


      like, on the actual computer? you can do that? i feel like a dumbass

    4. SPBojo


      Yeah, you can, example, i can make my 1 key into a P instead of 1 etc, google is your friend. Script is MEH for this soft shit.

      Now give me my arma cash you paki

  18. 07 codeyeti, best dev

  19. Censorship is real

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      1. 1. 
        the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
  20. Get a fucking job
    1. Viper


      Yeeeeeeeah go fuck yourself 

    2. SPBojo


      Mfw already announced ages ago. Nice try tho, il give you that.

    3. Gaetano


      I hope u get ligma

  21. anyone know to do buttons in pyglet? currently using gooey library for a game project with some others but it restrictics me to using pixel art

  22. i believe they still want you to submit on stuff like this, not sure on that tho. @hawk ?
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