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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. only likw 2 of those were a kavala gang.
  2. becuase you joined like a month ago
  3. VOA T DB TRIDENT SWAT KS KR CK MONOLITH 3 of sammys gangs ect ect ect
  4. kirspyk. 2 years every gang iv beenin someone has had a booter
  5. @Peter Long you should have done what i would have done, say yes then dont do it
  6. I know he didn't, figured he would jump ship to follow the gang
  7. Maybe because I get hit off once a week Do I need to record my packets for you? See you, ski mask, BBB and Google on asylum. To bad I don't have recording of Derek saying he had a booter
  8. Maybe now we can have gang wars without packet loss?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KrispyK


      everyone in aurora had a booter ikeem was the only one i had recording of

    3. MAV


      to be fair, having a booter isnt a terribly hard thing to have.. they are point and click, no technical experience really needed... its getting IP addresses which is the challenge.. so the point it, be careful where / who you expose your ip to...

  9. Maybe because I've been here longer than you and have repeatedly told proud and Savage to neck in the past and roasted them alot You must be new here. Basically everyone has a booter now
  10. maybe these were the people ddosing me then. here i thought only ikeem had my ip besides boonie
  11. when you have six titans on you and you get rdm robbed by a vigi 

  12. anyone here play mhw on ps4? bout to be getting me one here once i come up with the extra 60

  13. when you get ddosed mid spraying down people with an armed plane :DansGame:

    1. SPBojo


      Starting to think that you getting ddos'd is someone in your house simply watching netflix. 

    2. KrispyK


      alot of people have my ip jesse


      like those fucking kids that grabbed my ip in salvations ts when they asked for support

  14. Anyone know if an Xbox 1 s can run monster Hunter world well? Debating getting that or PS4 pro which would be another 100

  15. @Mercury now that you are rnr lead can you make it so medics arnt allowed to use the same voice keybind as in game and not have too hear keyboard clicking constantly so i dont have to play on mute thx thx

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      its like every medic

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      This is why I don't join cop or medic channels ;D

    4. JAMIE


      welcome to the internet

  16. YOU ARE INACTIVE caps please dont remove me

  18. but what if the cops are pulling 10 hunters per wave (iv seen this. cough housekitty chrissgg) ) and want to make it a more fair fight for them
  19. so are we not allowed to stay the extra 15 m anymore?
  20. Will medics still get blacklisted for getting detained
  21. Y INVENTORy placed at 1 value its a pain in the ass to have to type everytime
  22. BRING BACK 1
  23. >260+ hours on cop


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KrispyK


      @Mako dont tempt me. 

      i guess there is also the fact i only go into red zones once a week

    3. codeYeTi


      This stat only started getting tracked when the stats page came out. So this is only the cop money you've made since then.

      This stat only started getting tracked when the stats page came out. So this is only the cop money you've made since then.

    4. Main
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