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Everything posted by Fuzz^

  1. Anyone wanna buy an oculus rift?

  2. Am I the only one that noticed the date said 2/29 but there’s only 28 days in February
  3. Fuzz^


    If you break so many rules you need the evidence to know when/what happened you should probably be permed js....
  4. Hit me up when your ready for some more Support Team Fuzz :) 

  5. How will I know if my Loa was accepted/denied for APD???


  6. Are these cop or rebel?
  7. Wtf hoonter doesn’t even kneepad kid I called this before it happened btw
  8. F to those who didn’t make it today. We will remember you. Not talking about anyone imparticular.... ;) 

  9. I mean TBH i wouldve permed you, its really fucked up to make fun of someone over a video game, and you are a really scummy person for doing it.
  10. @last where’s the list :(

  11. Anyone think cop applications will be closed anytime soon? Because apd is always fucking stacked..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. maxg
    3. monster


      cant lose if cops take up the entire server :happygary: too bad ill be stuck on civ ):

    4. Linka


      ya cop definitely isn’t as fun as it used to be when everyone and their grandmother is whitelisted. 

  12. Can someone give me my APD forum tag? <3 

  13. Once a ddoser, always a scumbag.
  14. Personally I think it will be good. Always wanted a realistic pokemon never got into the cartoonish version
  15. https://www.twitch.tv/sl_branding
  16. In case you haven't heard yet, TS is back up and Peter long doesn't eat ass. 

  17. @Peter Long Doesn't eat ass, @Dante would've been a better pick. Change my mind.
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