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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. Fake News @Ryan was beating 1 off instead of being at the event Image result for weirdchamp

    also everytime i came close to the compound i get CRACKED by 20 kids + 50.cal + strider/hunter. back to repairing i go..

    i give that event a 2?/10 

  2. yeh cuz id like to stand out in the fucking water..
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N7Zero


      wait i wont report cuz it aint true. im fron hong kong, its illegal to eat that shit there. :bender-dance:

    3. DeadPool


      just cuz its illegal dont mean it aint true

    4. N7Zero
  3. yeh u use blackfoot, im using Dune ESP to scout you 10 clicks in the sky.
  4. Happy Birthday @Dingle Pooper hope you're having a mad sesh :wub:

    1. Dingle Pooper

      Dingle Pooper

      TY you know I be having a mad sesh tonight :P

  5. anything related to sending pizzas to ur home address?
  6. hmm hard to compare with this guy..
  7. when @ChrisGG finally supersede the handbookImage result for MonkaEyes


  8. N7Zero

    Ryan Flex

    there is a difference between being THICC and being an absolute FUCKING UNIT https://gyazo.com/434eefe66865b3e562fc29e402b0f22f
  9. i hope u crash and break ur neck. u put others in danger not just urself retard.
  10. the tables have turned <-APD
  11. actual banger 


  12. https://steamcommunity.com/id/N7-Zero/
  13. i need me some bingo wings
  14. found this hidden gem, fucking love my city :wub:


  15. time to witch hunt thedoc :bender-dance:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N7Zero


      for being a stingy bastard, go ask him the context.

    3. 1thedoc


      it feels so nice to finally be wanted

    4. SecTranLive
  16. overwatch upcoming matchmaking system is literally copying smite's matchmaking system :bruh:



      still playing overwatch ?????????????

  17. yeh can i get my reward from gang wars 10? thx.
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