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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. think thats a win for DB when they u pull 3 hawks on 11man fed

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. N7Zero


      14 minutes ago, KGB JOSH said:

      @an overweight giant retard Well I wasnt really pointing out if you needed to or not, more of if you would do it regardless of if it was "frowned upon" or not.

      but uhhhhh Poggers

      its not about dominance over each other, we all just wanna have fun and fight fairly, we didnt even have anti-air hacked which is another factor as to why 3 ghawks was a little too overboard.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      What do you mean by dominance? Im confused.

      But yeah 3 hawks is a bit OP depending on circumstances

    4. Hoonter


      You guys had plenty of titans

  2. it is said over 300,000 people are gonna raid area 51

    just offline raid :4head:

    1. MAV


      god i hope they do... then the world will be rid of 300,000 morons.

    2. xDRO


      its up to 1.9 mil now

  3. N7Zero




  5. confusing RNR with our own rules
  6. N7Zero

    Good run

    ur straight cooked on that crystal doink YUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  7. imagine getting scammed by plague LULW
    1. GregoV1


      Moonshine runs need to be nerfed

    2. Strikke


      54 minutes ago, GREGO said:

      Moonshine runs need to be nerfed


    3. Zeuse


      1 hour ago, GREGO said:

      Moonshine runs need to be nerfed

      He done apples.  :p

  8. just 1tap the teacher, no more assignments
  9. rootkit pepelaugh
  10. am i 1 month into the future or is staff slacking on the dono page?

  11. the ultimate self cuck right here ladies and gentlemen!
  12. first of all dumbo, it wasnt even me u were targeting. 2nd u were a randy in our TS so we dont know if u do DDOS or not. 3rd i never liked u cuz u r blinded by ur ego, clearly u still have this ego so clearly u havent reformed.
  13. this kid threatened to ddos on our TS! Beware
  14. how is this even allowed on twitch MonkaW


  15. Halo E3 trailer = :POGCHAMP:

  16. N7Zero

    o7 Gamers

    only attention seekers make o7 posts. change my mind.
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