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Everything posted by Dr.Dream

  1. Happy Birthday @ YakGod

    p.s. its 

  2. You will be missed @ TapTap
  3. Happy Birthday @Proud @Savage

    1. proud


      thanks bro <<33

    2. Savage


      Thank [ s ] Dr. Dreambot

  4. Everyone can see that, no need to spread it
  5. Yeah there is staff to solve things like this but the amount of logs since the money being hacked in and the amount of times the money has changed hands it make it almost impossible to remove all the money
  6. Very true I knoam this is a roleplay server but we can just say fuck it and remove night
  7. You are retarded if you think it is rigged
  8. Good luck with that, they go for like 23-25 or sometimes a little more
  9. He means it is not like haveing25 rebels push you since there is a 25 cop max
  10. So, I fried my processor after 7k hours on Arma :(

    1. ItsGG
    2. Dr.Dream


      1 hour ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      what how


      Not sure, I have been having shit FPS for the past but then yesterday I tried to launch any app and my pc would freeze and stay like that for hours, then today I ran a dieignastic on it and it said there was a error in the processor.

    3. Larkerz


      I fried my processor once. Computer wouldn't even boot.

  11. Dr.Dream


    That is what he is paying for them
  12. We could make the casino take a small portion of any money bet there and put it into the gang funds of who ever owns it. If we turned it into a cartel instead of capturing the casino it would also promote cartel fighting because of the large about of revenue it was would make
  13. The are worth about 150k
  14. You can buy mags at rebel
  15. Happy Birthday @Xlax

    1. Xlax


      ayee thank u bro 

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