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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. It must be nice finally having bragging rights

  2. Im fairly sure its more of a surrender then quitting lol
  3. Once a monkey always a monkey bralls
  4. Pocket admin my house needs restoring
  5. My money now!!!
  6. Do we know how far rollback will be
  7. Unjo


    Therrs already a rebel at athira that isn't too far. You also have north air up there.
  8. Dont you have the power to change that. Good thing you got a team of sAPD and several FTOs. Most deputies don't even get taught how to set up VON nowadays.
  9. Yeah PO lethals are only for any means and not to be used at feds dw guys
  10. Second wave po lethals lol
  11. 8daa67cdb696803ea9b7f13b548fd9d0.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Excuse me Mr.Unjo, but it appears you have made a mistake with your meme. If this meme was to be accurate then you could not have taken this photo while on the civilian faction. For proper "memeage" you would have had to take this picture on the Altis Police Department. Thank you for the time and I hope to see this mistake fixed in the near future!

    3. Unjo


      They were so scared of it they sent me in 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Hey everyone the guy in the shadows is Heavy.  Get exposed FAG

  12. Minecraft skywars
  13. Short and stout

    1. Bloodmoon


      In class wait like 2 hours and I'll come wipe

  14. When it takes APD 12 minutes of bomb being planted at a BW to tase one pdwer zzzz

    I dont think it's the guns that need the buff

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CocoisDead


      @Unjo i was just having fun flaring the titans :) 

    3. Unjo


      Yeah @decla Kept locking onto trees

    4. Skys


      sounds like decla to miss a lock on 

  15. You shouldn't see any quads at a fed really.
  16. So basically everyone at a fed Have one of your (8?) FTOs teach deps to always stock up on FAKS. It's literally not hard. The APD gave us those for free because they didn't try.
  17. It's like some people are trying to help m5 and his goons to kill the server
  18. SAPD aren't even trying Just like at the feds for the last few days
  19. Don't pull hawks like a retard then
  20. Hunters dont fly Hawks have flares, and it takes an average of 2 hits, NOT rockets. You spend a good 700k to have a good chance to take down one hawk. Gunners in a hawk need to take down 3-4 kids down at a fed to make their money back on insurance. If there's apparently so many people stacking feds on a civ side your not running low on targets to gun down with your 2000 round minigun.
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