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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. As long as you dont rob them before and rp it out well it should be fine. I remember an rdmer being restrained on top of kav office and people were starting to talk about yeeting him off. Almost dropped him off the roof myself to test the rate of gravity on altis after he agreed to it
  2. o7 @housekitty, Should have nicked your plane

  3. Can we get grenade launcher stuff in WP shop so the guns are actually useable 

  4. The one and only
  5. Saving R^vin from a hostage situation Vdming 6 friendlies Seeing po7 vigis at cartels Tasing myself in kavala then getting restrained whilst on cop
  6. I doubt even a duper would even consider 8 mil
  7. If you are using explosive items, make sure you are recording. If you get engaged by someone and use the sui vest, save the recording, might save you a 3 day
  8. 2 mil
  9. Yikes, anyone want to send a cease and desist letter to renegade before they ask jesse for olympus code?

    1. Pledge



    2. Hoonter


      Why don't we let them do there thing and we continue doing ours?

    3. KrispyK


      Time to rdm there on my alt.. ;)

  10. He sold money to a ban evader who he didnt know about
  11. Wanna buy?
  12. When the gang is praying for a good fed


    1. LiL J

      LiL J

      anddddddddddddddd you didnt pray enough :FeelsBad:

    2. platinumfire
  13. How are you going to go wave 2 fed with no faks

  14. How is it even fun if cops are camping fed as soon as we log

  15. 12 mil
  16. Happy Birthday Hostage situation ender @Kyle^ :)

  17. Not too many singles Dont report yourself Dont scream when you hit a nutty shot Dont make it rape peoples eyes with transitions
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