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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. According to BI it will function like a mod and if those assets are enabled only players with the DLC will be able to connect to the server. I'm against it but unless it changes though shit, this also applies to the next 4 creator DLCs, also spread and sign this petition if you want BI to reconsider this, Psysin picked it up and Drewski hasn't replied but we need signatures. http://chng.it/DPCSRp4dY7
  2. There's a difference between slightly uncomfortable and an anal only gangbang
  3. This community is awesome, I love you guys. Sorry for being a little shit, I promise I'll be a good supervisor.

    1. Theory



    2. Richard
  4. What do you want for it?
  5. Don't know If it's tested but I heard that you can hear cops in frog from heroin. Honestly I realize it's pretty stupid but there's only so much space on the map for processors and harvesting and we need to balance the map of legal and illegal zones, old frog pro was too close to air but there's no spot right now that's close to harvesting and balanced.
  6. I also vote for never. Not knocking on your work but tbh I can't think of something more boring than watching someone make commissions. I do freelance design work and most of my commissions take 3 or more hours so unless you're using a template it's a whole lotta boredom.
  7. I have zero issue with asking the devs to put out a tracker with a few options and updating it every once in a while. My issue is with the people saying the devs are lazy and that OS needs to reign them in. Especially people saying "I donate so I deserve to get the goal" because it's simply untrue. To flex again 9 years of volunteer experience with around 5 of those being in a supervisory role and imo this server goes against all the best practices of dealing with volunteers. The donors bitching remind me of when I was a volunteer firefighter and people would cuss me out on scenes because they "I pay your salary" despite the fact I wasn't ever getting paid. Olympus makes more than enough to give small paychecks to devs and Sr staff and despite being one of the biggest gaming communities in the world purely based off playerbase it still doesn't for some reason despite being a dev/designer/sr staff member here being almost a full time job. Personally I think high level OS should get paid, but until that happens the community needs to realize they're volunteers and treat their work and time as they would with any other amateurs.
  8. Looking at the state Altis is in I'd wager World Bank is more likely.
  9. Honestly I see this less as an issue of the devs and more as a community issue, like Rex said dev's don't have an input when goals are settled and to speak candidly they're given a turd and told to make it smell good at times. we have tons of issues with optimization and current content but the community keeps pushing for more content. Arma has what's commonly referred to as "spaghetti code" and it's common for a fix to break something else, these guys work on a volunteer basis while having to do a ton. Olympus makes more than enough to pay its devs even a small allowance for their work, until devs (and less so the rest of staff) start getting paid for their work we need to respect their call of delaying things no matter how long and appreciate the effort they put in for nothing. If devs stay getting paid I agree they should be held to higher standards, but I've led and worked with volunteers for approximately 5 years and through different orgs I have around 9 years of experience and one of the things we're always told is to be realistic about expectations, praise and reward good work and most importantly maintain a high degree of flexibility. I get this is a game but they are volunteers and it's important to keep those points in mind when dealing with them.
  10. Don't worry about those dudes and keep on trucking, ArmA code is very unstable and the amount you guys have put out despite engine limitations is remarkable. People always want new things but imo Olympus needs an "operation health" where for a month there is no new content and devs can just optimize. I have a friend who works as a dev for an unturned server and their devs get paid 25 a week, he wanted to start an ArmA server and balked at how difficult it is to dev on here and gave up because he wouldn't be able to pay devs enough until his server started turning a profit. People literally get paid decent ish money to do what you do and while Olympus not paying staff is a different issue altogether you guys do an incredible job considering you're unpaid and working with a demanding community/limited resources.
  11. The logo isn't bad but if it ain't broke don't fix it, this server's been around since 2014 with the same logo. No matter how much better this is it isn't work replacing a logo that's worked fine for 5 years, also the logo is irrelevant. Outside of some donor textures it's not used for anything.
  12. What if someone purposely gets hit E.G. Joey runs in front of my car while engaged.
  13. What do you call a fake noodle? Impasta! What's the difference between the APD and vigis? Vigis need skill to advance.
  14. You're looking at the higher levels of vigi instead of t1 and t2. Also the 2 shot problem is mostly bullshit and a separate issue the devs should handle. I've tested this with rebels in Kav and at point blank range at center mass a po7 will take between 3 and 5 rounds to tase depending on a few factors, you also need to realize that ArmA is primarily a milsim game and the ballistics reflect that. A t3 vest is using level 3 ballistic plates and at point blank range after the first 2 or 3 rounds you'll start getting penetration. this is also since you tase at 10 health because anything below that kills you so you survive a shot or 2 less. Don't punish vigis because the devs can't make a better script.
  15. I'm cool with no vigils on Cartel or Rebels but this is too much. The APD is allowed to do all of those things and forcing vigilantes to abide by those ROEs would be plain stupid. They already have sub standard gear, sub standard guns and stricter engagement rules. Make vigis equivalent to a PO in terms of jurisdiction and leave it at that.
  16. This is an unnecessary and useless idea, but so was the Corp lounge so I'm pretty neutral on this. Do POs need a lounge? No Do Corporals need a lounge? No Do Srs need a lounge? Kinda If corps get one for absolutely no reason might as well give one to POs.
  17. I've thought of it for a while but what does ST actually do? are there any tangible benefits to doing it?
  18. https://plays.tv/s/M8ekm5tYOncT


    Quality is trash and my voice + everything is cringe but here's a concept APD "Main HQ"/Academy I designed a year ago, I think it has some pretty cool concepts and just wanted to share it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. Drippp
    4. bigSMOKE


      jesus fucking christ my pet rock could make better

  19. From what I found 12 service members were killed in Afghanistan in 2018 while 27 people died just in the MSD and Santa Fe school shootings. Your statement is literally correct.
  20. Yeah that was pretty stupid and helped no one, I'm also kinda retarded so I probably shouldn't talk. Sorry @Panda :) I'm sure you're a delightful young man with a bright future ahead of you.
  21. Bruh this kid is a 15 year old APD Corporal and FTO, hes put in 23 hours into cop in the last week alone and has 500 hours as a cop. No joke he probably has no life outside of playing on Olympus and those are is his biggest achievements in life up to now. Don't get me wrong he's a decent cop and fun to play with but don't expect a well reasoned, multilayered and educated argument. You're arguing with a literal child who's so privileged his life probably revolves around a video game and who's TS tags may very well be the most responsibility and respect he's gotten his entire life with dying on cop or losing gear being his biggest struggles yet. You can't expect much from someone like that, you're effectively attacking the biggest thing in his life and he's too immature to see other viewpoints and his own biases, when you attack the APD to him it's a personal attack on his biggest achievements because he's too young and inexperiencedy to know better.
  22. How about make search warrants only an option when illegal activity related to the house has been spotted. If a vehicle is tracked eyes on or with a remote device from a redzone to a house OR a rebel walks in with a bounty or gun and actively resisted arrest/stores anything search warrants can be issued. Almost no one has a problem with search warrants, its just that jrs and srs alike are camping houses or sheds and the moment someone with an illegal gun or bounty walks in they wait for them to leave and instantly call in a senior to search. I personally think a system similar to the fed vehicle seizures should be implemented, if an officer can directly link a house to illegal activity through a tracker or surveillance it can be raided. For players if someone who isn't engaged walks into a house and becomes engaged by the police if they actively resist (locking doors, shooting, etc) or store any gear the house can be searched. Search warrants wouldn't die overnight but officer would need to prove connection beyond a reasonable doubt (like is needed for IRL search warrants) or the subject would need to interact with a house while engaged by the police, instead of this bullshit with raids happening after the keyholder disconnects and entire DPs being camped with methods that make knowing your being watched or taking countermeasures almost impossible.
  23. You somehow went from a toxic basement dweller with no life outside Olymlus into a well rounded and bearable person. You give us all a glimmer of hope.
  24. I'm pretty sure a few years ago we had a cop who would publish training videos and host seminars but I don't think it ever panned out. This seems like one of those ideas that sounds cool on paper but won't actually work like the media team. Almost no one is going to attend a session with a sr or FTO about "defensive driving" or "use of force" unless there's a reward after. If going to a "use of force" training and passing gave you a new gun or some ts flair maybe more would show up. Scenario based training definitely has a place and that's in the academy but this server being light RP and having sporadic hiring practices makes it difficult to execute. I think that to have better trained cops the maybe the FTO program should be revamped, have corp ftos become Academy Instructors and allow good POs to make FTO, them make it so that every new deputy is assigned an FTO who trains them up from Friday to Monday. To make it easier also consolidate hiring practices and schedule tests for every Thursday night and the academy every Friday night. @Pledge this isnt a bad idea all by itself but I think it would be better being implanted to the academy or making it a serious training that gives the officers who pass some kind of reward as small as a TS tag or promotion points.
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