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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. The issue with online is that if feels optional when it isn't. Here in Brazil university grades are also based off of exams. If you fuck up everything but get a passing grade on midterms and finals you pass, and online exams suck more than normal ones.
  2. It's a 1 shot difference on 5.56 and 6.5, no difference on 7.62 +. Is civ council so full of speds that they're autistically screeching over one extra bullet?
  3. Corporal tier 3s make a comeback, promet and shotgun to PO, PD vest to deputies, prowler to PO, hellcat to Corp +.
  4. It's like trashy reality tv, I loathe myself for liking it.
  5. Stop trying to erase my culture
  6. Don't really agree with this one chief, I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.
  7. @Millennium With the addition of the black PO7 do you think it would be doable to just make the APD PO7 the black one and keep the vigi/civ version unchanged? The weapon class name is a cool idea but I think with pistols at least a visual ID system in line with the current one (black = cop gun) would be much easier to work with.
  8. Is the city limits thing just a rewording for admin reasons or was there some kind of change?
  9. Pretty late to the party but congratulations to @Venomm, you're a high ranking retard now


    Racial profiling is a valid reason to load lethals.

    1. Billeh


      Can confirm @Crenshaw did purposely load lethals on a kid for being black and called him a Ni

    2. Monks


      i keep lethals loaded and only fire when i see n-.

  10. Congratulations to the chief colonizer @Winters

    @Mr GOAT I didn't agree with you on some issues, but you did try to make life less terrible for JAPD and you stood up for the APD, and I really do admire that, overall not bad on my chief rank list.

  11. "If you don't thank people who wish you happy birthday, you're a dick"- @Monks

    Gz on corp, you're my favorite squeaker

    1. Natee
    2. Monks


      LMAO thx no more reactions lol

  12. Happy birthday to the future CNO @Sho-Time

  13. Haven't bought GM and won't buy this either. I like the idea of paying modders but the main issue I have with the community DLCs is that they're great ideas but terribly executed. Frankly I don't really care about the map because there are many free alternatives of similar quantity, the content is useless in vanilla and seldom used by modded servers, and the non-owner compatibility lets me play with the toys for free anyways. If it was $5 I would get it, but I'm honestly surprised 50,000 people spent $20 on an ok campaign and a map that's useless for milsim, RP or casual modes.
  14. It's not possible to use it on Olympus But the APD unarmed blackhawk dropping kids on frog pro would be clutch.
  15. As a South American her hateful comments towards high ping individuals have shaken me to my core. I will be taking @anti to the Brazilian Supreme Court for the crime of racism and racial slander.
  16. If everyone around you is a problem, maybe you're the problem
  17. Omw to pole vault the border wall

  18. My stats say I got off cop last night with 4.8 mil but when I got on civ this morning I only had 2.2, wtf happened to the money?

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Did you press "ESC" and wait the 10 seconds or did you lose connection/alt+f4?

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Mr GOAT I was pretty laggy and red chaining so I disconnected after the bank.

      If the money's gone it's gone, just sucks that I gambled the 2 mil I had when I should have had 3 more in my account.

  19. Happy birthday @Strae, as a present I've convinced Bolsonaro to "liberate" Venezuela. 

    See you soon! 

    1. Monks
    2. iPopsicle


      I think the night stick is bigger than your bicep

    3. eknjack


      Please tell me you aren't the human representation of a stick creature and this is an elaborate joke
      tbf does look like someone who would drink room temp beer

  20. Since sending people to jail is bugged can we authorize capital punishment until it's fixed?

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Apparently you've got to spam it.

    2. Gaetano
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