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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. Ok so @thor. makes sense but ngl @Hurricane your ass surprised me lmao gratz guys <3

  2. I'm waiting for the Moneygram transaction id.

    ;) @thor. @Hurricane 

    Congratz boyz.

  3. congratz thor!!! :wub:





    play rust with me btw 

  4. I wake up to Olympus actually burning. 

    @Hurricane @thor. congrats ;)

  5. Support Team has really changed....

    Congratulations @Hurricane and @thor.

  6. Congrats to the boy @Hurricane the Fortnite king! xD

    And of course congrats to the ticket whore @thor. ! 

    You made it boys

  7. @Hurricane @thor. yw for all the salty support tickets <3 


  8. Youngest Sr. Support @thor. congrats Ambition fag

    @Hurricane congrats VX rat

  9. @thor. I remember when u were fresh from asylum, and I helped u throughout getting deputy, then I helped u throughout getting PO, now look at u, ur senior support team and corporal, grats :wub:

    @Hurricane what took u so long lmao, congrats 

  10. Congrats @thor. @Hurricane on the promos

  11. Oh shit @thor. @Hurricane    Big congrats guys

  12. @thor. @Hurricane Congrats Rats now unblacklist me



  13. Congrats @thor. worked hard my dude might not snake as many tickets now:DPEducated:

    Congrats @Hurricane 

  14. Grats @thor. and @Hurricane on Sr. Support

  15. Congratulations to @thor. and  @Hurricane on Senior Support! ;)

  16. Congratulations to @thor. and @Hurricane on Senior Support Team! Well deserved!

  17. Congrats @thor. On Sr. Support!

  18. congrats @Hurricane    and @thor.          

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