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Wong the Wong

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Everything posted by Wong the Wong

  1. You are not cool writing like a retard Wtf is Lion Cartel Seems like a scam
  2. sir curb your loss and be done with it.Also it is mean to say things like that
  3. all the retards immediately downvoting lulz
  4. tbf most of the guys are just licking
  5. in the mission file there is one, its only for McDili though
  6. 3 in the night or afternoon tho
  7. I am bored rn to look, when is 11:30 AM Est on the GMT timezone?
  8. Can you make it 50 hours please?It will be better
  9. Any gang wants a guy with 2090 hours on Arma?I am a goodish shot and would love to take part in the gang wars.I am GMT+2

  10. Malden police dept. is actually MPD as we say APD
  11. first, nice
  12. Why's that?Sounds retarded
  13. Some clarification plzz idk what that means
  14. ASYLUM's coveralls are that way cause Pilot Covs + Carrier Lite + Server Lag = Tank
  15. No Pilot coveralls are preferred cause they look cooler and hold more stuff
  16. just record & report Submit a comp request if it was a heavy one
  17. Ah didn't know it had a 3 between Ik what it is i got confused as i didn't remember it having a 3 between
  18. 5 MX GL? idk what MX3GL means
  19. any reasons as to why he would take his own life?
  20. 45
  21. Makes sense he moved here.ASYLUM will remain junk as long as the admins and the developers are lazy fucks with no sense of better.
  22. Fuck ASYLUM,Fuck Gnashes Fuck Bamf Fuck Paratus
  23. Go to https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Create a New Ticket and select Player Report Actually select Admin report
  24. a tip is not to get the ASP-1 cause it sucks
  25. only reason is that it tazes
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