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darn fool

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Everything posted by darn fool

  1. A year ago tomorrow my mother's best friend killed herself. She was always an aunt to me, so in honor of her memory I will be posting a couple links to fundraisers. The first one will be for one of her sons alone, who has been fighting Wests Syndrome for the last 5 years. He wasn't expected to make it past 3 weeks, kiddo has a heart like his mom. Second one is for all 3 of her children, making sure they have a good future life to live. This post is a little nice for what a usually post but I just thought I'd leave these here. https://www.gofundme.com/f/karingforkyler?fbclid=IwAR3ArD4OZuL2fxPqLqM8hyBC-G8YEkxieGsg0gNnY8uvfdvdeP0mV8yI1Gg https://www.gofundme.com/f/87wgvq-childrens-trust-fund?fbclid=IwAR1T-1WdTVEMNA6kDBwXM9C7IgVF-LtJx4l0f738RCWntN9rDyVv2gEtO4g If you want to read about baby Kyler, here is a site that Indy managed before she died. http://www.karingforkyler.com/kyler-s-story.html Thanks to all that read this
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  2. Fr go check out my stream you assholes

  3. Attention rich people 

    If you have an oculus quest for sale I only have $250 but I really want one 

    @DashTonic 😉 

  4. Wtf does that even mean Can I petition to promote myself sergeant since we're making up rules? This seems like one hell of an implied power
  5. Why am I still a cop I haven't played in 2 months and I resigned 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outcast


      Yea adding and removing tags were aids. At one point was just gonna have the tag removed and just have APD forum open.

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      you are on LOA is why you are still a cop. who did you "Resign" to?


    4. darn fool
  6. I think this guy felt that
  7. darn fool


    @Shiv1 @Africa Aye bro take those downvotes off before I ruin your YMOA career
  8. You don't think they'll nuke Missouri do you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Yo chill man

    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      Yeah fr @Strikke I'm gonna start sitting on my porch with my 30-30 and shoot at anything that moves in the sky

    4. Millennium


      @Strikke ehhhhhhhh over a hundred nuclear missiles have been set off already whats one more gonna do :kappa:

  9. darn fool


    Nah bro I played with shiv for 5 minutes and he alt f4'd on a vigi
  10. In the words of a very smart man, "those must've been some fire nudes"
  11. I've put way too much time into the APD before and after I got permed to see this lol

    I'm out 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darn fool

      darn fool

      Yeah fr. I like Chris and Mita but wowza,

    3. Linka
    4. ItsGG


      @Linka ohhhhhh I didn't know you got it my guy jeez 

      *being run by children and @Linka 

      im sorry please give me a dep test 😘

  12. @Dante Tough night, huh? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-
    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      @Dante We used this game to give our starters a break, they’ve been working too hard

    4. -dante-


      That’s a nice luxury. I wish we had starters to rest 

  13. @Ares Ha remember this? I had the same fights lmao
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