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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. monster


    nigga you post a picture of anyone no matter there rank in the community you get banned, 4head
  2. monster

    wts sell AT

    enjoy your once a week 3 am tp feds, also Absolute*
  3. monster

    wts sell AT

    thanks for reminding me.
  4. monster

    wts sell AT

    Sorry our fed/bw group doesn't pay attention to skill, frankly we care that everyone has fun and has a chance to win, @Doke TV won fair and square, and you said no, you don't like how our fed group runs things, dont come, or should i say, you shouldn't have come, because you wont be coming back.
  5. monster

    wts sell AT

    Although it was still fucked up what i did, that was nearly 2 years ago and has been said more times than i can count on my hands and toes, still fucked up you cucked someone out of an AT cause they asked how to be a better slam player.
  6. monster

    wts sell AT

    8M max when you coulve mad so much more by not being a rat. kinda sad you had to take @syndrome and @grooovy down with you.
  7. nvm im retarded and didnt actually read the post.
  8. somebody upload a rdm report to pornhub no balls.

    1. Masonn
    2. -dante-


      The amount of RDM reports I watched that had a kid SMACKING on chips loud as fuck would be the ones I’d vote for 

    3. Natee
  9. You would have prefered he kept admin and chief while almost being as inactive as drama?
  10. Although i complain a lot about the mar10 usage, to put it simply, sAPD have gotten their ranks through thousand(s) of hours of playtime and limiting the gear that they can use is probably one of the last things that will happen.
  11. monster

    WTS S2

    who tf would wanna buy that shit server
  12. inb4 a civ stole a medic heli and landed it in fed just to fuck with you
  13. this isn't right. he seems to be using combat stance....
  14. I would suggest against selling the hacked in sui vests that have been going around
  15. Can confirm i was there when this man was screaming "THERE ARE 10 MEDICS ON IM 300M FROM A HOSPITAL AND ABOUT TO BLEED OUT" while i watched all 10 medics sit in kavala and circle jerk around a new player.
  16. no we just like storing drugs in our trucks and houses cause its funny.
  17. is it just me or do i have 10-20 less frames and double the amount of stutters since the arma update?

    1. Skys


      just you and your potato pc 

    2. monster


      I defo didn't get 30 fps constant on a server with 40 people -_-

    3. Cale
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