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Everything posted by Civak

  1. @Viper @Xeltini @Ryan ez claps
  2. they are done when most of the active sAPD and CPLs are online they just don't come
  3. Holy shit... cops pushed NORTH WEST BLACKWATER! They're evolving!

    1. Strikke


      nERf NoRth wEsT StrAt, tO oP rEeeE

    2. CocoisDead


      Hey that was me :) ez lethal on spooder man 

    3. Peanuts


      Plot twist; extra sandbag appears; APD grunt gets confused; Rebel uses spray; It’s super effective!

  4. Imagine being so dense that you strawman everything people say just to make yourself feel better. Get a grip dude.
  5. I don't think I have even seen you on cop defending against a single one of our 34 federal events in the last few days. Get active and then maybe we'll talk.
  6. how much are you paying for a lethal mar-10 with mags
  7. you act like you weren't 1 out of 30 people who joined even @Zakaloko was there
  8. you say that like we don't know it was you after breaking wave rule zzz
  9. Civs complained about Ghosthawks being guns hot when bomb blows. sAPD said "just bring a titan". Civs started "just bringing titans". sAPD stopped pulling Ghosthawks. Civs bring titans for nothing now. sAPD said "now it's unbalanced against us, we need PO lethals". Civs said "just use Ghosthawks". sAPD said "no". Do you see what's happening here? Just because you guys aren't properly utilizing what you have at your disposal doesn't mean you need more buffs.
  10. elg8e9x2GHhxww3Jpf8sNGcI3TUB2vOvFXnfyOFa

    1. DeadPool


      Bruh even I didnt go there lmao



  11. there are no public guidelines as to what constitutes them being "used properly" since they were literally changed to "at a senior's discretion"
  12. you guys already push in Hunters and Striders and get wiped not to mention in the TWO times a Ghosthawk was pulled, one of the times the sAPD member just flew it right into the hacked AA and killed himself just because you're not using what you have available PROPERLY doesn't mean you should give yourself more options
  13. ok we literally talked about this in TS and you assured me you would fix it, not make it worse.. the big issue I had was that seniors would authorize PO lethals because they think they're "heavily outnumbered" when really it's only a 10v18 or somewhere around there and they misjudged the numbers.. now you completely removed the heavily outnumbered part and made it so they can authorize them at their own discretion, even if they're not heavily outnumbered, like homie that's not what you made it sound like when we were talking not to mention you think every person doing a federal event has a T5 vest on when that's nowhere even close to being true @Pledge
  14. Civak

    WTB Ghosthawk

  15. Civak

    Selling ENVGs

  16. i love roleplay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz


      7 minutes ago, KGB JOSH said:

      I roleplay IRL


    3. Civak


      4 minutes ago, gaz said:



    4. Millennium



      4 hours ago, gaz said:


      LARP ROCK?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. virus


      I M M E R S E D

    3. Pledge


      When your brightness and vibrance is all the way up them bitches hurt 

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH


  18. damn the servers are at max pop. rn can someone leave so i can get into S1????????????????????????

    1. swrvy



    2. NexIV


      2 minutes ago, swervy said:


      Congrats, you failed.

  19. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMass
  20. practice flying in the editor
  21. @Ares @TheCmdrRex so do either of you want to hop in TS and listen to how you can fix the scripting which allows them to spawn/transfer money orrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NexIV
    3. Civak
    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I'm in work :(

      If you have anything thats not memetastic though start a PM. 

      Generally people are more open to actually

      Actually talking if you dont dangle something and just lay it out.

      Fuck phones btw


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