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Everything posted by Montez

  1. Montez

    7.62 sup

    i'll give you 4 dollars and @maxg's nudes
  2. crying over olympus money because u bet and lost it all that's a, singular, yike.
  3. Montez


    his main drops from 1b to 11k and his alt jumps from 11k to 1b.. i honestly think he's spawning in money someone ban this kid
  4. 3. House/gang shed searches are authorized when: 1. An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with, shooting out of, or taking refuge in a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant+ has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search. it's a yikes, but i bet this was technically considered "taking refuge" in the shed. next time just dont afk in ur shed with a bounty nerd
  5. @Zeuse ur still gay

    1. Zeuse


      Only for you bb ❤️😉

    2. Montez


      this is why ur not allowed within 300 feet of a school zone 

  6. daily fun fact: if you responded no to this, theres a 100% chance your breath smells like asshole
  7. so that's what the handbook update was for, gotcha

  8. "You have received an extra 20 warpoints for trickshotting that nerd"?
  9. am i the only who can't pull tags while inside an infrit now? i've had 3 people drive literally two inches from me and had to just hope they were enemy gang when i hopped out and sprayed them

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. maxg


      Getting people's names on the other side of a hill was great 

    3. ChillX


      Yeah, it kinda gives me aids but we all gotta deal with it

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Nothing wrong, on the contrary esp is quite fun 

  10. o7 yung lad, i'll miss you
  11. something like this will happen in CS if you noclip too far away from the map, guns will become distorted because the game has issues finding which part of the model should be where. arma might have a system to prevent this by reloading the model. idfk tho, just a guess.
  12. if they don't spam side chat with "lmao to scared to even fight us zzzzzz" or something along the lines of that and they'll eventually give in
  13. 1. war every kav scat gang 2. go to kav if you did it right there's a 95% chance anyone in kavala with a 6.5+ is your enemy gang
  14. jokes on you, i watched this 8 months ago
  15. @SquirrelSensei  i would say congrats to you in ts, but i still cant pronounce your name

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