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Everything posted by Montez

  1. happy birthday to the boy@Noodles:D

    1. Noodles:D


      Thanks montez I love you

  2. grats on corp @Slumberjack

    glad to see you got your test on the first day :Kappa:

  3. they were in the Rebel shop for a long ass time as the "chistmas uniform" for a few k. they don't even provide protection or look cool. you're not gonna get shit for them, especially not 125k
  4. Montez

    WTB Armed Qilin

    i'll sell mine for 5.3
  5. what do you define as "Gay Shit"?
  6. TL;DR. but from my understanding you're complaining that 10 guys pulled up on you with mk-1s when you had a WPL. so i suggest doing one of the three A : Do runs with a gang you can rely on. B : Get better at the game and clap the kids that pull up. C : Do one of the legal runs that arn't often robbed (Salt, Glass, etc) Besides like 90% of the oly community is here for the pvp. There's no avoiding it.

  8. this is a fucked question. but it would be better to turn your life into mom/son porno, then slam your head against a wall until you can't remember anything that happened in the last 10 years.
  9. Is this only for transporting APD suspects? Or can it be used for moving APD units from A to B?
  10. Take it from me, i don't have the deepest voice ever and i have a speech impediment. I constantly get people making fun of my speech impediment, and what not when i catch them on cop / kill them on civ. You can't avoid it, the only thing you can do is bear through it because it WILL happen. It's not about deserving respect it's about earning it. plus this is a game after all, don't get caught up in the stupid shit people will spout at you when they're mad.
  11. congrats @decla on corp
    dunno how you managed to get corp tho :Kappa:

    1. Christoph


      cause i didn't ask for it XD thanks <3

  12. how much does that make it worth? 2-5$?
  13. That one on the right a cutie tho
  14. TWO. There are TWO genders, look between your legs if you're having that hard of time figuring out which one you are.
  15. it's amazing that police have access to the same things civilians do, ain't it? in all seriousness tho there are many ways to either stop police from tracking you car, or to completely negate the effects of a gps tracker.
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ when i buy gearsets on cop i watch my cash dip. and losing a gearset on cop is dependant on how dickish the civs feel. you might have to buy a gearset twice a day.
  17. including gear and Y-menu they are.
  18. ummm, no. cops get RDM'd 50x more that civs do. (and loadouts are like 300k) the second you have that vest that says "Police" on it all the rook bangers in kav shoot you on sight, whether not you you're actually engaged.
  19. yea but if you capped the cartel late at night it would basically be free warpoints, and depending on how many warpoints you earned from the cartel that could be OP as shit.
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