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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. o7 Memeshack Super Nova
  2. yikes imagine screenshotting what i said and using it as a signature shouldn't you be in school kid also aren't you like 12-13? If you're going to say something like this at least back it up rather than just saying "OuR pReSiDeNt iS ReTaRdEd"
  3. If anyone wants to you're welcome to join some shitty custom games with me and friends on Halo info below

    Speed halo/Nascar pro: Custom Game Join on PixelPacker6793

  4. whoever the fucking roleplayers are that voted to keep it the same fuck off shits cancer and so are you
  5. im a free man restrictions are no more!

    @Mason Statham round up the angels

    1. Cale


      whats your pid so i can add u to the roster

    2. Masonn


      @jke write up the strats lad

    3. WALT


      @Mason Statham @vedalkenn legendary Jeep Guild Members will carry the Mason's Angels

  6. With the sale on steam, are there any decent games that anyone could recommend? 

    1. Kamikaze


      If you have not played It, I highly recommend buying the complete collection for Dishonored. Its $24 on steam currently and it has 3 very good single player story games.

  7. vedalkenn


    wdym i havent left
  8. vedalkenn


    good bye friend drippp play hearthstone with me
  9. hello friend technically elements has a point as a reformed member of this community i do believe the boys including myself are unpermed
  10. Aside from the fact it's an decent topic, why the spam post bud?
  11. unlock the thread you fuckin monkey im trying to post more shitty memes of zurph @Ryan

  12. o7 Unjo ill miss getting shot in the back by a suppressed mar10
  13. how long you think this will last @destruct

    1. destruct


      As long as you guys want it to

  14. G2 will fucking take it home.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vedalkenn


      @rapidaax being a realist though, despite how well I think G2 will do FPX will probably win. 

      Right out of a challenger league they won their region, and now are worlds finalists.

    3. Masonn


      These stupid fpx retards ruined my pickem still got G2 to win

      Honestly tho IG just threw that last game the shy went full Tyler1

    4. KrispyK


      Fuck eu faggots yall can bite the dust

      china always wins in the end

  15. Anyone have some decent game recommendations other than the new COD and EFT?


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jerrod


      The new cod is pretty good

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      If you're into shooters there's one called world war 3 that has battlefield 4 vibes but a bit more fast paced. The learning curve is steep and it needs a beefy pf but it's fun.


      I've also heard slay the spire is pretty good and right now there's tons of story and rpg games coming out.

  16. I'd like to start by saying fuck, can we raise the minimum arrest bounty to 100k alright thanks. 

    Now this is for you VG | Ace I wasn't kidding when I said I'd make this post. I was roaming in Kavala having some fun as a retired Kavala Scat just for this fucking guy to tase me for 80k. 

    I think it's just kind of whack that 80k is the bounty minimum, and it's not like they're making any money from it either. Like they're making fuckin what 60-70k as a T4-T5 vigi? By raising this more people won't have to worry about being turned for some bullshit amount, and vigis will at least make a decent amount of money based of the new minimum.

    So please for the love of god change it so I can kill like 4 people just to get vigi'd when I rdm a 5th.

    EDIT: first fuck u zurph, apparently minimum is 75k but still fucking change it

    1. Zurph


      JESUS whos gang is this kid in

    2. Skorch


      If you respected the laws of Altis you wouldn't get vigid

  17. vedalkenn


    o7 dog you and bishop made betrayal fun
  18. free @Jerrod 

    🐀 @White13

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. vedalkenn


      12 minutes ago, swervy said:

      sit you fat little cunt

      didnt you o7? don't come back nobody wants you here tbh


      56 minutes ago, Page said:

      Shouldn’t of ddosed 

      I don't know why your talkin either thumb boy you're just as guilty just no evidence gathered yet :^)

    3. swrvy


      didnt you get permed for cheating and then sat on the forums every day crying to ryan? neck yourself dumb cunt

    4. vedalkenn


      Just now, swervy said:

      didnt you get permed for cheating and then sat on the forums every day crying to ryan? neck yourself dumb cunt

      I wouldn't consider poems crying, but if that's what makes your soft ass cry you do you. 

      https://sanctionedsuicide.com/threads/how-to-hang-yourself.1183/ try this site though, it'll really help you out. :^)

  19. good bye sir i didnt really know you but we had some good chats in the ban channel
  20. Synergy is always recruiting casual players.
  21. hbd please stop sending nut pics to the gc @dandy

    1. Kam


      black people dont exist


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