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Senior APD Member
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Everything posted by maxg

  1. can y'all believe this bitch @Jester doesn't brush his tongue?
  2. It's anonymous don't worry
  3. Happy birthday Soon-to-Be Loadmaster @KGB JOSH

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Im gonna have to cut all ties with you before I end up like Jeffrey Epstein

  4. maxg


  5. go off @Grandma Gary
  6. Happy Birthday @grar21, I will always have your laugh included in that soundboard btw XD

  7. lol.png

    Just finished my 3rd grade coloring class, do yall like my work?

  8. 1 shekel
  9. Thanks, man. Not trying to brag, But i made it to Corporal, then Senior Support, then Lead, then supervisor, But whenever someone gets butt hurt all they care about is ripping you lmao, and it's not just a blacklist, its a perm blacklist lol
  10. I was one of the last... Hylos still got one foot out of the grave
  11. I knew i was forgetting someone, It has been hella fun playing with you for the like 2 years i have been playing this server, From you teaching me the ways of cartel fighting and then me shitting on you in nmd and hitting gbs everytime i killed you. It's been a ride brotha
  12. Lmao, good times. I would upvote but im out of reactions
  13. Don't worry, I'll still be in teamspeak memein around and calling you gay
  14. When i first got apd i was 12 just about to turn 13, I'm 14 now
  15. after about a year and half of being on the APD they finally figured out that i was lying about my age
  16. Boys, It has been a fun 2 some years, Finally got caught. o7 Before i start with all the @'s I just want to say it has been fun as fuck, Thank you to everyone who has made this server fun for me and been a chill ass person. @thor Dude, you are one of the only reasons i got where i am in this community, and i want to thank you for that brother. @Rexo I have had so much fun with you man, doing sketch ass shit and getting away with it. and your welcome for all that top tier advice @CorNfLower BROOO, your one of my best friends on this server and i have had so much fun playing with you. @Rossco Thanks for the opportunity to be a senior support member, And also voting for me to get lead. It has been fun brother @Revise Your a retard, but i love you @Strae The boy, it has been fun playing wit ya mr juan @Greenbum gb master green, o7 dud @sped gb master spedometer, o7 @Cyanide it was fun playing 10 hour days with you back in the day, o7 bro @ThatNerdyGuy same as ^^ it was fun man @KGB JOSH JOSHUA I LOVE YOU, we better play dayz soon dud @Jester dude, it has been fun playing siege with you, running support team with you, and fucking around and calling each other fat retards @Ryan don't worry i will stay as your discord manager Honestly, your a pretty chill person to talk to and to meme with, but i think the way you run the server is retarded sometimes. @Toasty it was fun in bw dude, fighting cartels and doing runs all day, peace dog @Millennium it was fun mr liam peace dog @Hylos it was fun in Cy6, o7 dude @TheCmdrRex Thank you for giving me the chance to be a APD member, and thanks for not forcing me to give proof of age xD @Fraali o7 lad it was fun @decla ur a retard @Dante forgot to @ you but, Thanks for giving me a chance at corp and being all around a good chief
  17. You know this server is ran by snowflakes when you get permed on the forums for calling a senior admin a "dumb bitch" 


    @Ryan fix your staff team please

  18. maxg


    o7, stop jerking off while on cop
  19. o7 @Hylos it was fun back in the day in Cy6 take it easy buddy, o7 @Super_Nova I wish i still had that soundboard of you xD


    Congrats @Shotime923 well derserved

    Congrats @thor 

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