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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Lonnie85

  1. peta the flight pilot trainer, it was not in the format but should have been
  2. 1. APD (higher ranks) Hades 2. APD (lower ranks) no idea 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) me 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) Paw 5. vigillantes DB *yep all of them* 6. TAXI drivers Marty and papamunski
  3. *starts fancy news intro song* Breaking news Kavala on the brink of a terror attack, Fears of a Coup are near, how long can the APD stand their ground. Alll this and more in the most recent News Report that is found here. http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/9112-the-news-is-back


    1. BENJI



    2. Marty
  4. breaking news just in


  5. I want my News Skins back, ya'll trying to get my ass shot with the solid black no news skin

    1. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      you probably deserve to be shot....just saying ;)

    2. ToeKnee


      I guess all the archeshits are coming back :Kappa: 

    3. Lincoln Williams
  6. not so sure bubbaloo, i already sold the house, and moved the gear to a reliable friend. even gave away most the cash I just could not change enough things for the better , i lost the fun i had and when that goes so does the fight to want to stay
  7. Well all i have come to terms with my time here and it's lead me to a very tough choice. I have met many great people, had some great times, and even got some videos. There comes a time in one's life where you just need to move on and that time for me is now. I found a new place where i can really be me and i once again can enjoy this game with a smile on my face. I want to thank all of you who i had a good time with, all of you who i would not have been here this long had it not been for you. This is not a goodbye forever it's more like until i see you again. I have a place in my heart for olympus. I sold 1 of my houses and moved everything to a good friends. I have achieved the following: corp 4 times, maintained it for over a year Medic Air responder 4 times Lawyer News Team (over 25 videos) Never banned, Only demoted 1 time (thanks Fedot) I can say i lived well, i played my ass off and the only regret i have is that i was trapped in a stagnation with only one option left and that was to move on. Farewell Medical Corps, Farewell APD, Farewell all. Enjoy every moment that you can, don't be a asshat, and please for the love of god bring the RP back.
  8. i dont normally post on these topics but I shall here. I am well over the 250 donation level and it was since day 1 of me being here. Here are my thoughts. Legacy got vip rooms, better paychecks, and discounts. Keep it so we get better paychecks, discounts and add chrome skins to all vehicles. Release the rest to the public no reason to hold people back. We should be looking at trying to grow this mofo as large as we can so let the people have access to the stuff but leave the special skins for the Old dogs so to speak. or hell give us legacy a Legacy only skin. I know muth has been making some top notch skins i dont think it would be to hard *points out admins have the lightning skin.
  9. *clears throat* and all of jkat mafia
  10. i have not looked into that just yet took me like 3 hours 3 mics and tons of getting really pissed to discover that
  11. click the down arrow that shows share and go to disable
  12. i had this happen disabling nvidia shadow play fixed it
  13. The community asked for it and so it shall be. I will be coming out of retirement of R&R to serve everyone once again

    1. Papamunski


      this just might inspire me to pull my R&R boots back on ;)

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Yeaaah :D Finally :D Lonnie :D you are more then welcome back to us brother  :D 

    3. Corporal Moob
  14. Just got a e-mail from Don and Diane shipley to go to their shooting course. My day is made :D

    1. theycallmepaw


      glad to hear it sir hope you shoot well

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I've heard of them. Aren't they supposed to be pretty good? I'll be attending Gunsite Academy before I apply at any PDs.

  15. Servers are shitting bricks hard, might want to look into a new host

    1. Poseidon


      It appears it may be a network issue with OVH, not 100% sure.

  16. as a person who has been part of R&R many times and retired from it, the test is not that bad and yes it is a blast to up your rp game and be the savior of many a trapped soul. You can make a person's week with a critical repair , or gain many a friend from a revive. You will be tried at times but you will be loved by most. A tad bit of advice is to be calm and collected and understand that you will be in situations that you get yelled at or insulted but as long as you give it your all the positives of this job far outreach the negative nancy's that might get upset at you. I loved playing R&R every single time i did it. *minus the uniform bug* I met many many good friends that still ask me if i will go back to it. All in All R&R was probably what i loved to play the most as a whitelisted slot. *Sidenote* I can hold protest for you if you need donuts or coffee, or something to make your day better *think fireworks*.
  17. new Corporal in town, hype

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horizon



    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Awesome!e dude!!!! Congrats!

    4. SPBojo


      Who got promoted? Gz to that guy ; ) (trololol)

  18. http://www.gifbay.com/gif/bunny_eating_a_raspberry-154155/
  19. Off to a family reunion see you all in like 5 days

  20. got a new deputy in town and i heard he carries a big stick :D

    1. HamOfMoose
    2. Fastik


      Ham might need to keep an eye on this guy if he whips that stick out he might try and beat someone with it.

  21. There we many reports and request done during that.
    1. Lonnie85


      this is a Operation Supply Drop, helps out alot of people

    2. HamOfMoose



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