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Everything posted by North_

  1. How much a point
  2. Never got my mil @Ryan:( number 24 too

  3. I remember one time he told this shinks kid that he would "burn down his house, slit his throat and his little sisters lol" @buckie remember shinklejew?
  4. Good fights tonight 🙂

  5. @DeadPool repost the great escape;)

  6. I want to enter
  7. Not much hair..do you shave deadpool?
  8. Fuck I miss our little synergy neo nazi
  9. 1 shot and those niggias will drop.
  10. North_

    Selling p90

  11. Why you throwing shade chaos? <3 O7 Canadian Brother.
  12. Offer 100 mil.
  13. O7 loyal tree deadpool I love how salty deadpool gets when I comment
  14. It's the skill gap. They want to be cartel fighters but dont know how.
  15. Most of those gangs are bad. So when they get clapped once they log.
  16. North_


    Finally found someone worse then @DeadPooL
  17. Really wish the pd was more like asylum @Dante were depending on you

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. North_


      I just prefer getting killed over tazed I really dislike the non lethal pd style. It's not what I came up on per say.

      If I'm shooting a ak at a cop in real life. He ain't tryna taze me. Hes tryna gat me in the head with his pistol.

    3. monster


      l i g h t  r p 

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      If you want to be lethaled more often, push for 100% bounty payout for cops when lethaled :)

  18. +1
  19. You dont even make sense.
  20. Who cares allow vpns. Asylum seems to be doing fine with the scary prime ddosers
  21. Unban the ddoser and cartels will be boolin
  22. Contact your internet service provider directly, and ask them about the networks stability, specifically how it would perform under stress. I'm assuming your internet at your moms, is better quality then the internet at your dads. Your father's internet might not be able to handle the needed internet speeds for online gameplay on arma. Speak to your father and get more information regarding the ISP and internet. I'm assuming the issue is that simple. Tell papa you need a upgrade for Christmas.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. North_


      Not a bad idea. Better then selling olympus money to buy food lol

    3. -dante-


      You about to propose to her with that goal right Jesus 

    4. North_


      Getting engaged to her, in may actually. 2 year anniversary.... just hit ten k lmfao. I doubt I'm even gonna get five dollars. Figured if I'm gonna beg for money on the internet I might aswell put out a chance for something better.

      Theirs hearts on the snaps dante;) this shits serious 

  23. @Tiger unpermed by mitch, connor on his way to unperm according to bada
  24. I think the civ council should look into complete freedom of speech being allowed on Olympus. Our community is great. And I need the ability to spam the n word in side chat and tell kids to hang

     The greatest man to walk olympus agreed. Why cant you @Peter Long

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. North_


      I know buddy. But we can still try #unbantheboys

    3. KrispyK


      As a suicidal person I should be allowed to tell people to neck

    4. Strikke
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