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Kyle Lake

Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Kyle Lake

  1. Good Luck @Ignis

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      No, you are not allowed to wish people good luck. 

    2. Prime


      GoOd LuCk KyLe

  2. I very much would like to be KOS. Please Vote for me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DashTonic


      he already got 90% of the votes

    3. DeadPool


      29 minutes ago, Pinkstreak said:

      I smell reverse psychology... :blink:

      I dont smell it I see it B)

    4. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      KOS Kyle is back boys lol

  3. I was told not voting for Kyle will fix the TS!

    1. maxg


      Damn who told you that?


    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Guess we’ve lost the TS forever 


    3. Millennium


      @Peter Long you should punish this mans for lying

  4. #Vote4PinkStreak


    1. monster


      shut up Kill Lake

      @Dante change his forums name to Kill lake

    2. DeadPool
    3. Pinkstreak


      Deadpool you can't talk, you voted for me :(@Deadpool

  5. I think the other Staff member still have a chance to be KOS... I'm not leading by much.. Everyone should Vote for @Pinkstreak
  6. Will the staff member that gets picked be KOS even on medic?
  7. Congrats on Supervisor @Rossco

    1. Rossco


      Thank youuuuuuuuuuu

  8. Happy Birthday @Peter Long I got my special knee pads for you today!

  9. Yes and I got suspended. If anyone is caught with them or an item they are not supposed to have according to the RnR handbook they will get the same thing. How ever now that you have been warned expect worse if you get caught with them.
  10. No, you will suffer the same fate I did. But now that you have been warned could be worse.
  11. I can neither confirm nor deny that.
  12. @Isaac Newton Told me he left rebel. To be fair I had no idea he was there!
  13. I dont know who [Medic] cideM is, butttt He is sexy af
  14. #SayNo2KOS

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      You killed me right as i got into the game before i could even do anything.:angry:

    3. Millennium


      1 hour ago, Kyle Lake said:

      You killed me right as i got into the game before i could even do anything.:angry:

      what about Skys XD

  15. I will just use a different name in game
  16. I did not bitch outtt. I was just so good no one could kill me
  17. I wanted them what can I say
  18. Pressed that windows key 8000 times :Kappa:


  19. You say that like I have given them to you
  20. I will take some nudes please
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