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Everything posted by Theory

  1. 1.1k hours, i know few call outs and nade spots
  2. Theory

    Olympus Twitch

  3. the new spider man movie is gonna BE LITTTTTTTTTTT

    1. NexIV


      Bro the new Iron Man movie will be lit... oh uh..

    2. NexIV


      Obviously, cause then you would know he doesnt actually die. But if I elaborate, ill spoil it @Soulz

  4. dm offers
  5. Whens the Olympus CSGO tournament??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      after i get my cheats installed

    3. Hadi'sLilBro


      This will be to easy 

      lethality activated.

    4. Orgondo


      Easiest money Tree ever made.

  6. Yall probably wonder now why it took so long, huggggeee list
  7. what will you lose if you do \_:)_/ 2bill - 400k
  8. o7
  9. Kill them and leave it's that easy, in cod the zombies dont have NLR
  10. Theory


    If you get robbed your first run dont give up
  11. The Arizona drinks used to have a small print at the top of the drink that said 99 cents and now it says 1.29 like wdf

    Image result for arizona green tea 99 cents


    1. CocoisDead


      They moving up in the world they going Hollywood on us.

    2. Google
  12. I'ts a lovely logo but I don't think it's the right one for this Olympus xd
  13. A little late to the party but congrats @Secret Agent :bender-dance:

  14. Yeah what could've been a nice clean simple logo turned a bit complicated and repetitive. Most eSport teams have a similar design
  15. The logo is alright, but the stream layout is pretty cool, I'm working on something that looks similar to that lol
  16. What's SLI
  17. Theory


    I used to have one or two, fun toys
  18. no
  20. zoom did a good job commentating for gw so yes pls
  21. bump
  22. o l y m p u s
  23. This is Armarica
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