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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Theory

  1. like maybe every 2-3 months
  2. I'm hoping we can have gang wars every season, but way more organized to the point where it operates flawlessly.
  3. gg to all
  5. yoU'RE more thAN weLCOme to drIVE in default SKINS
  6. Image result for eyes emoji

    IT'S                               A COVER



  7. i approve this message
  8. vaktovians prevail

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. swrvy


      i was a member of the mighty Vaktovian empire they were the best group at gun pvp on roblox

    3. Civak
    4. swrvy


      @Civak how dare you i fought in the great war against WIJ alongside Vaktus himself

  9. Theory


  10. lol prae gonna get clapped
  11. The hawk can slide like that? Holy shit
  12. I wish I knew that what the fucuuuck
  13. Where the frick are the movies
  14. Can we have a like a live feed on this website showing us how many people are on each server including the training one?
  15. 5v5 cqc arma3 Elimination like csgo B )
  16. he gave me written permission to keep his 200 million, he had enough clout he said
  17. Best movie ever, I want to be a cyborg fan boy now. Related image

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