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Status Updates posted by Warfare

  1. Servers need to fill up so we can get some of these new events going.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Last i checked just under the 40 mark. Once it hits around 55-60 we will look into some events.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Nice. Hopefully there are some events tonight. Good job Warfare.

    4. DeathDingo


      Why dont we try them with less people at first so we can see if it shuts the servers down or not and then do them when more people are on...

  2. New update inbound ladies and gentleman. Events are about to be 1000% better.

  3. New update inbound ladies and gentleman. Events are about to be 1000% better.

  4. Can you say Olympus Jet Fights?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Jet fights, armed heli fights, armed water fights, and hmgs are coming to an event near you.

    3. Jorbis
    4. Tman15tmb
  5. Scavenger hunt event going down here soon. Be on server 1 if you are interested in participating.

  6. If you want to join the community team check out a list of our current open positions

  7. Daily events? Why not...

  8. So far hostage event is going good. Cops defending might be a bit OP so we will make changes and improve.

    1. DeathDingo


      wow it was a great Event.... #Rebels4Life

  9. Waiting on a server to fill up then we can do some events.

  10. 8 keys and a dream boys.....8 keys http://puu.sh/hgXsV/e33054d0d8.jpg/

    1. ToeKnee


      hey look its falcon too bad he just got a 7day counter strike ban rip ;(

  11. I now have access to the event menu. Currently the pre-loaded events are races and demo derbies. I think we can also use it to do VIP events so we will test that today.

  12. I know have access to the event menu. Currently the pre-loaded events are races and demo derbies. I think we can also use it to do VIP events so we will test that today.

  13. 3 hours till we go ham

    1. Thomas
    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      I think what he is trying to say is hes going to kidnap some ham?

  14. Got some shit to do today then we grind cop.

    1. Lethals Loaded
    2. Warfare


      Yo man I've been playing more recently. Don't make me rek you

  15. Podcast is delayed until further notice. Still waiting on dildo so if you want to come on the show just message me on teamspeak.

  16. If your wondering why I haven't said #Live in 30. That's because Mcdili is magically AFK again.....

    1. RogueMK


      nothing new there then lolz

    2. Pringle Mccringleberry
    3. Poseidon
  17. Quick reminder the podcast no longer goes live on the BLTN channel but http://twitch.tv/OlympusServers Be sure to follow it up so you know when we start!

  18. Podcast is going down tonight. I need a medic guest and a civ guest. Who's interested? I believe we are going live at 6pm pst

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      I'm a first responder if you want me.

    3. Odin


      If only I wasn't still at work...

    4. Dustin87


      Seriously if you need a guest i wouldnt be opposed

  19. Can I get some Warfare's in the status update boys?

    1. DeathDingo


      your doing what Warfare??

    2. Dustin87


      Boys? you been playing with burban lately lol.

  20. Making my own SWAT team. This shit's going to be a secret organization within the APD. Don't tell anyone.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      i would like to apply to this SWAT you're talking about

    3. Ace


      omg i feel so....so...so..ALIVE

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Where's my carrier rig?

  21. DLC is out boys and girls.

  22. Mouse took a shit. Not sure if I should buy the same one or get a different one.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Warfare


      Yeah I was using the G600 MMO mouse because the third mouse button was amazing for push to talk. I decided to pick up the G502 as it was rated one of the best mice of 2015.

    3. Dustin87


      G700s and Logitech G502, G502 is on sale atm for $59 on amazon, normally $80!

    4. Dustin87


      Good choice, the 502 IS GREAT

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