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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. Happy birthday @ Weaz  🥰

  2. Classic sapd member using status updates for important PSAs…..
  3. Happy birthday day @ hawk i miss u

    1. hawk


      Thanks miss u too boo

  4. 5af44d8d521b6ee2c320cb1d21066f20.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skys


      boutta start blasting femboy asmr in background of future reports 

    3. Lea


      @ Sevro I'm trying and failing not to judge you for this. 🙄🦖

    4. knifemaster


      isnt that a normal night?

  5. Holy shit @ CaloomClark  that dick sucking paid off go crazy

  6. Vehicle skins are fixed in the notes
  7. At the very least she let the best swat senior of all time (me) rise to greatness
  8. Just waiting for someone to say something interesting again instead of the normal yappers
  9. Honestly this reminds me we need to get the swat rules and wiki up to date still tbh, I have no problem gathering my PSAs and adding them to the written rules. At least theres a lot less because mako said so now lmao
  11. I think this is a great time to bring up that I, Swat LT Lucien, deserve APD exemptions
  12. Crazy me and @ Xlax dont see this level of dicksucking for you to get free granits I’m missing out…
  13. Regardless of potential interpretation, the rule still says x may do y with no further stipulations. I am a strong believer in rules being enforced as they are written rather than interpreted, especially by something like this where all that needed to be done is add “to balance the event” to the end of that rule if that is the only way Winters wants that enforced. Personally in my experience of playing cop on Arma in general I much rather Asylums method of the rules/handbooks being explicit on what is permitted and not permitted (or at least it was like that when I played), this benefits both faction members and civs as you don’t need to know all the unwritten rules to properly defend yourself in an IA or take tests, etc.
  14. The unfortunate truth is that the game is dead and those in charge just want to ride out the status quo to the end it seems. Absolutely crazy that there is a whole squad without a senior but we needed to create an extra dep chief slot
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