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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. cmod enjoyers?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      Give me that shit rn 

    3. Skys


      im a femboy enjoyer

    4. stayclaxxy


      Yeah can’t wait to get DPId on by some Chad with a MK-1 Asiimov Battle Scarred (stat track) 

  2. @ Ryan is still hungover from the 4th
  3. Happy birthday @ Clashingtin lets go gamble

  4. Happy birthday @ lorax  😍

    1. lorax


      Thanks babe 😳😈🍑🥵

  5. Medics are also bad…. Coincidence?
  6. @ Masonn can we just get this changed to the nonbraindead take that having someone in restraints is a hostile action?
  7. Poll is for furries not femboys
  8. Happy birthday @ proud  @ sandman

    1. proud


      thank you brotha appreciate you❤️🙏

  9. Yo you forgot to @ Rexo
  10. Are you able to use powerline adapters or moca instead of wifi in your apartment? Is your computer’s IP set statically? Make sure there is a reservation or it is out of the scope of addresses on the DHCP server. Disable shutting off your wifi adapter to save power in the properties in device manager if you can. Get a wifi scanning app on your phone and check if there are other people who have networks in the same channels as yours. Try changing the channel to one less saturated if there is a lot of traffic. Also, considering you are in an apartment, it could literally be interference from someone turning a microwave on or something. Do you have this issue with other wifi devices?
  11. might be shader cache related? could try deleting cache which I think (AMD gpu so not sure) is at %localappdata%\NVIDIA\DXCache and \GLCache for nvidia gpus
  12. Ill gamble for you like the good old days
  13. Straight into the casino
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