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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. nice update, just if possible please change from orange and red
  2. as someone who voted yes because im blacklisted, I feel like 80% of "yes people" are gonna be blacklisted on something. Of course it would be nice for everyone to just be unblacklisted as a second chance, it's just not realistic as there would be alot of people that come back fuck around and ruin it for others. just wait your time and reapply when you can.
  3. I thought someone had posted a video of them blowing up every single gangshed.
  4. Are you a corporal and can’t send someone to jail?

    Just open the jail door and place prisoner in jail. 
    step 2: leave him there to serve his sentence. 

    1. billdroid


      Hey thanks for the advice man!!!

  5. For sure, gonna buy it soon Yeah but it was after it died and then started up again in 2017
  6. one of a kind
  7. NokiaStrong


    well uh if you were friends with you then you probably saw this coming. im 16 not 18 i joined olympus at 14 pretty sure it was easy to figure out in the beginning. at least i didnt use a voice changer @maxg thanks for sr support and fun times in bw thanks for two years of fun and friends. gotta do this so i can just move on. will still come on ts to talk. @'s- pretty repetitive. @Toasty thanks for not kicking me from bw if you did i would have probably quit @Creepy thanks for also not overruling toasty and just straight kicking me. you're pretty fun to hang around even if you were a dick when i left the gang @xDRO creepy but didn't get super mad i left a couple times or that i almost took all the gang funds. started my interest in designer. cool guy all the time. @Jester support team since day 1. always super cool. wish u would come to ts more @Noodles:D my favorite black person thanks for being a real one. gl with the dm's @KGB JOSH thanks. idk what to put here @Strae @Greenbum @sped used to think you all hated me but you all were cool. also strae needs to go ahead and get dep chief @tacosmell @gaz my other favorite black people. some of the funniest people i've talked to. @1thedoc good lead, i should have gotten it tho. @zoomzooooooom @rapidaax thanks for designer and contributor. @Headless thanks for teaching me how to map design. we have alot of good designers now and you are a good leader for them, i hope you get sr designer soon. dont get so hung up on how others feel about you. You always meant well and in fun. @Rossco big gay. i should've been lead, really led to my inactivity. thanks for always being so chill @thor i used to despise you because you almost exposed my age several times. you are really cool now great designer lots of potential @Kamikaze other than you always trying to get me kicked idk why i hated you. @bastro real one even tho u been usin me for me for free money recently. @dakota despite the dox still had fun playing with you in bw. @Millennium never actually disliked you, i just got an ego for some reason. funny guy @Zurph thanks for letting me in plague even tho i was kinda do do. had fun @Billeh from [CA] when i first started to now. super chill the whole time had fun. @Airborne @DeadPool thanks for apes. some of the most fun ive had. @Montez speech impediment-cant talk right- hahaha @Brolaf "for just being a retard" @destruct one of the best sr admins no cap besides rex cause he unbanned me and saved me @Civak best dev, better than jesse cause you would actually talk to people. @Hylos chill guy had fun @SecTranLive dont think i knew you that long but really cool guy thanks for being real. @Rexo thanks for the fun in M @Scribble thanks for not asking for my proof of dob during my first medic test. Probably forgot alot of people. you know who you are. thanks everyone for keeping me busy for 2 years. @Ryan you're no peter long but olympus is finally growing again thanks to you. i did not proof read this post
  8. @Noodles:D has she opened it yet?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyanide


      i guess she didn't fuck with the hey.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      She just doesn’t fuck

    4. Noodles:D
  9. if you have such an issue with bank balance right now then talk to sr apd, they're not expressing concern for the large civ win %
  10. no, ways to fix it which would need to be approved and debated on
  11. its in discussion
  12. With the way we remove default objects, removing all fences would cause major server lag.
  13. now I can click on apd handbook updates without seeing a bloody wrist 

    congrats @Sandman

  14. So does the new meta rule apply to only saying a name nice hawk, bob vs nice hawk
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