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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Unfortunately yes
  2. The 37 person bw only had 18 of Blackwater. 15-18 on average. at lower than 14 and successful bw percent drops hard in my experience
  3. Don’t do an end game event if you don’t have enough body’s or enough skill to compensate for the lack of body’s. 15 is decent for a bw. 5 guys max dealing with vehicles gear and hawks. 10 to move around and rotate to hold bomb and kill when wave slams
  4. Someone just sit on titan duty. They can give callouts on waves and when the wave is going. Keeps everyone organized and calm. Titan duty just sits on a hill and coordinates till helis come.
  5. The wave it’s self shouldn’t be an issue if you made it 25 minutes. 2 people putting gear in cars 1-2 others taking the vehicle. 16 other people killing wave and shooting out gunners if you can’t get a titan. But I mean sometimes everything goes to shit and you win some and you lose some.
  6. Unlucky then. Most of the time it’s a random Corp or po flying and the hawk falls out of the sky. If the pilot can press c then just ditch the vehicle and get out of the rings with gear asap That’s just lazy arguments. If you are doing a fed you NEED a titan. People with titans save feds. @Creepy saved our 37 person bw with 4/5 hawks going down.
  7. Bring someone who has a brain and give them a titan. Solves the issue a good amount of the time but sometimes it’s overwhelming
  8. Bw has done a large amount of these events. Most of our events have been successful this month.
  9. A completed fed and bw every other day?
  10. Live PD
  11. Cop is definitely VERY FUN. And if you can’t play due to age restrictions you can submit an apd app and ask for an age exception @ https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  12. @Dargen
  13. Stop being toxic and you can apply to be one
  14. So when selling moonshine from salvage it doesn’t drop the price for people that do moonshine
  15. What game you want to play is up to you but if you want to play Olympus sooner the. You can submit a ban appeal at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  16. You read that from the round table. It’s in the list of things to do but didn’t happen this update
  17. sick skins @ design team. https://gyazo.com/4d9c757a034015a8c2c86df94769e94d    @xDRO peep my uniform and ifrit

    1. Richard


      When Medics push OG.  Tryin to bring back Cartel life.

    2. Fusionz


      As you can see we clearly won.

  18. During the meeting it was said both factions. Thanks for fix
  19. Only cops says patch notes
  20. Solid update thanks for the kill confirmations. Was arms and loaded loadout costs fixed? also I thought all armed planes cop or civ were dropping smokes not just cop
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