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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. This would've be a civ system if I understand it correctly. So Civs could raid each others houses
  2. what does it mean to reallocate a house? I'm curious what you mean.
  3. I havent noticed any changes
  4. 92f4830c1b58477911569749b4fc8ce8.jpg

    RnR showing a proportional response on first wave to Kav HQ, circa 2022.(colorized).


    1. Clashingtin


      why do u have boxes wtf 

    2. SPBojo


      Blink once and you get passenger seated

  5. Pretty long vacation don't you think? @ ZeRo

  6. Happy birthday @ TapTap

    1. TapTap


      Thank you Sr Map Designer!

      -Sr Map Contrib

  7. NokiaStrong


    Hi Trixx, welcome back!
  8. @ coopacarp total war tasted like shit with their pepper or what ever they put in it and I couldn’t feel the effects very well. I tried 3 flavors and returned them all and got bucked up woke af.
  9. Total war was the worst preworkout I’ve ever taken. My favorite although pricy is bucked up woke af blue raspberry. Best taste and effects + the powder was soft af so no clumping.
  10. Ah yes, thanks for the reminder.
  11. Except this is the staff roundtable that I’m talking about. I remember pcovs being limited to t3 and below vaguely but I could’ve also swore there was an agreement to increase their cost from 5->7 wp am I tripping? I remember because@ Mako thought that the change wouldn’t help with armor stacking.
  12. Wasn’t it also decided pcovs would only work with t3 and below? Like granites and t2.
  13. https://gyazo.com/84969c3039ea123a2c33bd03eefc636f
  14. Rip roe v wade

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. NokiaStrong



      For someone saying you cant "pick and choose" what you like out of the bible. You sure do a whole lot of picking and choosing for other old and out of date documents.

    3. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Absolute lol at using the same documents that detail the importance of state sovereignty as a point against an overturned decision that gives states that some sovereignty.

      Abortion isn't BANNED. The states that you pay property tax in, that you work in, and that you work for local leaders - now have the choice to ban it.

      I don't care about Roe V Wade due to the detail of abortion. I care about Roe V Wade because the Federal Government should not be making decisions for the states. The more power the states have the less we have to deal with the Global Degeneracy that is being pushed day in and day out.

      If you want to live in a culture where adult men worship sports, rap, and a promotion in their retail job, be my guest. I personally don't want to live in those degen states and am making efforts to move out of mine as soon as possible.

    4. Outcast


      Fucking libs.



  15. @ The gay guy GET EM
  16. 20k is 20k
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