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Everything posted by Drippp

  1. Jesus you are a grown ass man but you whine like a little fuckin bitch. I’m convinced you are a 13 yr old stuck in an old mans body get a grip
  2. Thank you for the tips I’m going to bet all my money away now. 20 mill bet anyone
  3. In need of someone good with computers to troubleshoot, I don’t know shit about computers.

  4. Rtx 2070 super any good? GPU is cooked atm

    1. silver


      i have it rn, it works as intended and runs games pretty well

    2. Lime


      In terms of Nvidia shit, the price to performance ratio is pretty good. Although be wary than sooner or later new gen Nvidia GPUs comin' out so make sure you won't be salty if you buy now. 

    3. Revise


      I would wait until the 3000 cards because rtx will be more mature then. Plus the 2000 cards will have a price drop if you do wait.

  5. Corsair void pro, have had one for 3 years and she still kicking.

    1. Vcx


      King drip when we playu

  7. coreycupcakes05


    1. Drippp


      corey blobbler butter stick eating champ of the world

  8. Come on guys I thought we were supposed to be a community
  9. Bunch of freaks on this thread
  10. Am I cool yet


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Drippp


      @rapidaax nothing but fax there fuck Edina, don’t know anyone dope from there.

    3. Vcx


      @Drippp when u wanna play 

    4. Drippp


      @Vcx I shall be on within the hour or so

  11. How do I make arma fun to play again

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar
    3. mohsen98


      are you looking for fun ? if yes then I invite you to come to our Party in the jungle

      me and Ten of my bodybuilder friends are waiting for you  👌🍆🥥🍆🍑🍆

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