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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. Just made out with my girl for like 20 minutes in her car I need to play arma right now I'm fking hype someone get me in a Skype call




  2. What does everyone think ? Be honest !

  3. satisfactory at its finest


  4. Jamie, please unban me.

  5. hbd @Grego, you still arent getting those orca comps :bender-dance::wub:

  6. Happy birthday @Grego. As a gift, I'll forgive you for crashing all my orcas when you were PO

  7. Happy birthday @Grego. As a gift, I'll forgive you for crashing all my orcas when you were PO

  8. @Grego Happy Birthday young buck

  9. Happy birthday @Grego the rat!

  10. The earth is flat change my mind.

  11. Im stuck at work... Can someone post funny arma memes please. 

  12. I made it into the APD ❤️

  13. Anyone got Destiny 2 on xbox one?

  14. APD WINS AGAIN. :bender-dance:

  15. Thanks to everyone that participated in the event! Also, good job Ruby for all that cash you made in the end. Hopefully I can do another one soon with vehicles able to be lockpicked ^__^ 

  16. Ignis did you forget to finish my comp request?

  17. Hiiiiiii Mitaaaaaaa @Mita

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