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Everything posted by destruct

  1. Can you be my pocket admin friend
  2. destruct

    WTS Car95 taser

    That doesn’t exist.
  3. Lets see your mate, you cropped your name out
  4. Federal Event stats divided into 4 weeks and month, make sure to read notes https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EVEu_CcY7qqy_pz7z2ppjftw5OFU5uvjek4f7VdQNOQ/edit?usp=sharing
  5. 1. Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols provide information to ground units from reconnaissance above. 1. These patrols are not required to follow wave rule. 2. These patrols can not directly engage with criminals on the ground. 3. Must leave with the wave (assuming the situation is in a redzone). 4. Helicopter recon patrols will have 1 occupant maximum. 5. These patrols cannot use lights or sirens (this includes checking redzones). 6. Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around. So, as long as you dont directly engage with peeps on the ground, should be good
  6. I love you mr. falcon, bye bye
  7. #RexMaybeNotForSeniorDevButForSeniorDevAccess2k19

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      You suck you killed the train. #DestructForRemoval

    3. Claysive



    4. Richard



  8. We wouldn't have to go and do a rollback had some players been more honest, we're doing it to make sure that the Olympus playing field is fair and balanced.
  9. Unless you can confirm the legitimacy of the millions that were exchanged I'd say no.
  10. Lately, we've had many people receive hacked money from hackers. This is a PSA on what to do with received hacked money, how to best identify hacked money, and repercussions that can happen. How to Identify Hacked Money - If you're receiving several millions at a time from a random person, with no clear intent, it may be hacked money. - If someone says "Who wants free money" in side chat and you say "me me me me me" and then they send you a good bit of money, it may be hacked money. - If you've received money from someone and then you see them get Permanently banned from our servers for scripting/hacking/cheating some time later - it may be hacked money. - If you receive a lot of money and you've got no clue what to do with your bank account and how to best proceed, make a general inquiry ticket here: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/(remember to note down the server you received it on, the date, and the time, and your timezone, and the name of the guy that sent the money DO NOT SPEND THE MONEY), however, if there's a general purpose to receiving some money (you just got RDM'd and someone wants to make amends with comp, a bet that was agreed upon, etc.) it's probably legit. What to do when you know you received Hacked Money - Make a compensation request ticket here: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and state the amount of money you received, make sure to include the server, the date, the time, your timezone and the name of the guy you received the money from. Staff will remove the Hacked Money, honesty is very much appreciated. DO NOT SPEND THE MONEY. Repercussions of knowingly keeping Hacked Money - If you knowingly received hacked money and spent the money/gave it away, staff will remove the money left over in your account as well as any assets on your account to make up for the lost money and/or go and take the money from the player(s) you gave some money to. If you waste staff time, you may catch some administrative action. - If you knowingly receive hacked money and try to hide the fact that you received hacked money by dispersing it to other accounts or putting it into gang bank, you will be severely punished. STAFF: Edit this post at any time if you think there are some changes that need to be made.
  11. Drama going too fast, let me slip this right in boyos: http://assassinscreed.com/unity-notredame/

    1. NokiaStrong


      Replying for later

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      This is so fucked up...








      Ill take my free copy

    1. Edweirdo


      So is Bohemia treating this more as a mod or an official DLC? Will Olympus be able to use certain assets on the servers or will it not be compatible? 

    2. destruct


      probably a mod from how it looks

    3. Theory


      arma's taking a big turn 

  12. Blue Pearls and Blue Crystal Meth are now fixed. (Blue Pearls didn't exist on the sheet before and were merged with meth) Now Silver Ingots and Black Market Kidneys are the same.... fixing.... FIXED NOW
  13. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sVEkemzRzxCjTmQcIhEa80SfhjbLg0muMebfC_uY10U/edit?usp=sharing Here are the stats for the past 30 days of items sold on the server. This was created to use as evidence for any run balancing cases, etc. Enjoy.
  14. The message was that gambling ia risky.
  15. When you gamble, the house always wins. Be prepared to lose when you bet.
  16. This looks cool. https://midnightghosthunt.com/

    Go on their discord and request a key if you want to try it

    1. Mighty



      Q: Where do I get keys? A: WE RAN OUT OF KEYS!



  17. destruct


    See you dude, hope you can still get on and play from the to time. It was always a joy playing with you and see you go from medic to senior medic to staff. See you 'round
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